You read the police response to their daughter reporting her father had raped her? That’s more common than you think. Calling the cops often makes the abuse escalate. With that many children, she probably felt even more trapped. If the police didn’t help his daughter, why should she have believed they would help her?
I don’t think it’s a question of intelligence; I think it’s one of caring. She will never need an abortion or social welfare benefits, so in her mind those issues are unimportant. It’s like when I hear about how tax plans affect people with a lot of investment income — that’s not me and it’s never going to be me, so…
There’s 1000 things wrong with this, not the least of which is:
Maybe this is just me but is there ever a time when you don’t have an urge for tacos? I just ate. I want tacos. I’ve been eating tacos and wished I had another mouth because eating tacos with one mouth was not enough to satisfy my taco craving.
I legit think its cute but I buy into lies A LOT for peace of mind.
Many times, in families where a loved one has a mental illness, they disappear so many times that the family becomes accustomed to them coming and going.
You can go without food longer than you can go without water. I wonder what the conditions in the elevator were too. If she was dehydrated and the elevator got very hot it would have made her sicker.
“DIY” and “abortion” are two words that should not have to be in the same sentence in the twenty-first century.
This is like complaining about a headline after the Superbowl. Literally. Spoilers don’t extend to sports.
Must be nice to believe in Heaven.
That’s fucking wild, but there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell I’m watching anything from TLC.
Funny that white men can find some common ground with other white men who just happened to be attracted to white men, but women still aren’t people.
It’s so, so paternalistic for men to tell women that they can’t have the choice to end a pregnancy because they might regret it. Don’t just control our bodies, feel free to pop into our heads and predict our thoughts!
She demonstrated knowledge that what she was doing was wrong, would cause his family to hate her and for the police to come after her. Even in the presence of serious psychological issues which I would argue are not evident here, this ability to discern right from wrong prevents her from using the insanity defense.
I am not certain and I am TERRIFIED. Take my stepdad for example - he is a staunch Republican who will close his eyes and vote for Donald just because he is Republican. I’m talking about a *fairly* intelligent man voting for this bafoon simply because he has been a Republican his whole life and won’t change now.
As much fun as it is to watch the GOP freak out, this maniac should not be this close to any public office. It doesn't matter if everyone is sure that the Democrats can beat him, he should not be in a position to potentially become POTUS. I'm scared and I'm not even American.
And though the researchers do not “define what ‘one-half’ of a sexually satisfying encounter” is
11 year old boys talking about Viagra and saying why would men want to make their penis hard and if it ever went down? Kept walking.
Hey Jezzies, on Monday I have my first meeting with a divorce lawyer. This may get contentious and the cost is scaring me. But my ex is expecting me to roll over like I always used to, because he was ‘always right’, and I can't do that anymore. How I still hate that phrase. Anyways, any words of advice would be…