
Kinda agree, but on the other side there are tons of maps of the Witcher universe to be found online that can be quickly checked on our smartphones whenever we are at a loss. Sometimes authors want that the viewer puts in a little effort, and maybe they are not totally wrong.

What I take from this: we ned more games with isometric view.

1. It’s called censorship. 2. The People’s Republic of China is called a dicatatorship 3. Those nations are simply nations, not “controversial nations”. Can we please start calling things with their name?

Throwback to my late high school - early university years when PES was actually THE best football game in the market. At that time basically everyone I knew  was ditching FIFA for the way better japanese competitor (at least gameplay-wise). And now look at this. It is so sad. 

People seriously need to calm the f*** down and take some things just a little less seriously. 

“A better recreation than what you often see in Hollywood movies”. Really? it never occurred to me. Are there some (bad) examples?

To me, the best way to describe Lost Odyssey is „the last real Final Fantasy“.

I’m far from being an Ozil fan, due to his own admiration for Turkey’s racist and genocidal policies. But that doesn’t mean he’s not right on this specific matter and that the removal of its person from the game is a blatant and coward act of tirannic censorship. China is a brutal authoritarian state, repressing all

Not speaking about the game itself, but about the historical setting and accuracy, which are usually pretty good (but not even nearly perfect) in the AC series. Given that the protagonist is half British, half Mohawk, I really disliked how it failed to portray the struggle of the Native nations over which of the two

You might want to brace yourselves before reading this, but... Chance is that if you’ve eaten in a restaurant or bar or food stall or whatever anytime anywhere in the world, this has happened to you various times. I’ve worked in kitchens and I’ve seen this done by countless people, countless times and for countless

This is amazing. Americans could learn a thing or two about this cultural appropriation nonsense by just, you know, reading about, speaking with and discovering other cultures.

I am just curious about one thing: are there new locations at all? Or is the whole game set in the same Kamurocho of Yakuza6?

Doesn’t becoming an expert in virtual animal murder make you a bit of a hypocrite, you lily-livered lettuce lover?”

F*** the kickstand. Please tell me who makes those awesome mountain relief covers.

F*** the kickstand. Please tell me who makes those awesome mountain relief covers.

I was unsure if this was a screenshot from a Yakuza Team game or concept art for Cyberpunk 2077 (as neebulz rightly said) until I noticed it was filed unter JPGS. Great photography and great editing.

Almost every book out there - if made in the style of The Witcher 3.

Or more simply: the ACTUAL best pizza is a real Italian pizza. And the only place in the world where I found one without spending tons of money is Japan. Really, I was shocked by the quality of Japan’s Italian pizzas.

I’ve spent a lot of my late teenage years and early twenties wishing I could play Shenmue. It has always been one of those games I couldn’t experience when it came out (because of no Dreamcast) but everyone was talking about. Now I am 31 and grateful that I can finally play it on a console I own and I realize I’ve

10 years after playing it for the first time, I still have very good memories of Yakuza 2, more than of every other game in the series. Maybe because it featured the most consistent and focused plot of the series, maybe because the addition of a second (or third if we count Shinsekai) city was a huge step forward

You were actually helpful, thanks. I must have written “peaked” a million times :D