
Not my favourite Japanese whisky but a good one nonetheless. But I don’t get something. It’s been around here in Europe for a while now, I always found it in liquor stores at around 30 €. Why is it so much more expensive in the U.S.?

It’s interesting how the developers trying to cash in on the JRPG golden era nostalgia wave don’t really get what this nostalgia is really about. Do we miss the sprites? Do we miss the art style? Do we miss turn based battle systems? Or do we actually miss the stories and the characters? I wonder how many more old

Right now Belgium is the team of the tournament. It was involved in three of the best five matches of the World Cup: vs England, vs Japan, vs Brazil. Plus they scored tons of beautiful goals in the other two matches they had. Lukaku has never played better than this and Hazard had an incredible match against Brazil,

Oh gosh, it really sounds like a heavy design flaw. I understand, it is awfully difficult to script every possible scenario with 8 characters (and stories) and all possible interactions that can arise. But if that’s the case than it’s actually better to keep the story linear, like all Final Fantasy were. Non-linearity

This is fantastic. Anime Blade Runner is perfect. Maybe because I am as nostalgic about BR as much as I am about 80's anime.

Unfortunately even video game classics need to be played in their era. Games are not movies, or novels, or paintings. All of these age and get surpassed by better pieces of art or entertainment, at least regarding technology, but, unlike games, they’ll never be completely obsolete. Homer’s Odyssey is 3.000 years old

The trailer track is screaming Stranger Things so loud that I can’t even hear the chatter about Avalanche’s possible plagiarism of Simon Stålenhag work.

Captain Tsubasa (Holly e Benji in Italian) was probably the biggest anime hit ever in Italy. Even now it still remains huge in popular culture, with Holly and Benji appearing on countless banners in football stadiums all across the nation (and Europe) and in memes shared by sports pages as well.

It pains me to admit, but Fifa has finally and definitively won the battle.I wonder if PES is even going to exist in a few years. Fifa has alway bested PES with the licenses, but until a few years ago this was easily compensated by the better gameplay of the japanese game and by editing the teams with perfectly

Ancient Greece lasts until the end of antiquity (that is: the start of the Middle Ages), so when they say Ancient Greece it could be anytime between 800 BC and 600 AD, including the age of expansion in the Mediterranean, Classical Greece and Roman Greece. My bet goes to one of these:

Hell no. You probably mean Classical Greece. Ancient Greece lasts until the end of antiquity (that is: the start of the Middle Ages), so when they say Ancient Greece it could be anytime between 800 BC and 600 AD.

I’m actually one of the few who watched Samurai Champloo first and Cowboy Bebop then. And, here I say it, I always liked the former slightly better. Probably just because I prefer the setting or the music (Nujabes <3) or maybe just because they are so similar in their core that the first you watch will automatically

Coming from Central Europe, where every town has its 10 or so unique kinds of bread, I admit that I have always been positively surprised by how good Japanese breads and pastries taste, especially the German or French replicas. But I’ve never really liked Melon Pan, too much sugar for a bread, not enough for a sweet.

I recently played Yakuza 5 after a Hokkaido holiday just to compare the ingame and real-life Sapporo. Unfortunately the new Yakuza6 engine makes every earlier game look ancient, but 5 remains one of my favourites nevertheless. Can’t say the same about 3 and 4 unfortunately.

Finally started Yakuza 6. Who needs one of the most demanded japanese games of the last generation (Shenmue remaster and sequel) when you can have Yakuza in Onomichi?

This is why I’m savoring my last two already opened bottles of Yoichi 10 and Taketsuru 17 as if they were holding the last drinkable water in a post-apocalyptical world :(

International diplomacy is highly ritual, symbolic, über-serious, devoid of irony and imbued with nationalism and therefore it should be obvious that it is delicate AF. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that (some) Japanese are disgusted by how tactless the matter has been handled. It is indeed as Netanyahu had been

He isn’t indeed, what I meant is: 1. Asano’s works (more of them), 2. “Golden Kamuy”, 3. “Saga” and 4. “Invisible Republic” as the 4 separate comics/manga I’m into at the moment. The last two aren’t even manga anyway.

Inio Asano is one of the best things that could happen to manga in the last years. I struggle to remember such a fresh approach to the “comics” medium in Japan. Maybe it helps that at the moment I’m reading Asano’s works, Golden Kamuy (for my love of Ainu themes), Saga and Invisible Republic. So every time I swap one