
While I’m not a Harry Potter fan, I do enjoy gaming. This is what made me ask what the fuss is all about so I read her tweets and her essay and I didn’t take it as she’s transphobic. She didn’t come across as being afraid or have hate for the trans community. I see that she did have concerns as a biological woman,

It’s an amazingly deep and fun game. My 9 year old and 15 year old daughters are having a blast exploring. Even my 43 year old wife, who doesn’t play games at all, loves going around and collecting things, opening up the map, etc. The long and short is, it’s probably one of the best, biggest, most fun, and most

#1 - Calling JK a “virulent transphobe” is a bit of an exaggeration, no? I suppose it’s subjective.

Although I think I get your point, I feel just using Black as a synonym for African-American is a very American centric viewpoint and perhaps undersells other black cultures

You’re right, it looks...Unreal. But seriously, are you nuts? That daytime shot looks totally real.

I just finished Berseria a few minutes ago and have no idea what you could be referring to.

Not really sure what you mean about sex stuff. But you missed out on a great game.

It’s bullshit to criticize a political construct that has killed hundreds of millions of people?

Came in here expecting to see the boycott being about how the game is owned by the chinese government and about the genocide.

Fuck the CCP

This is rehashed every time the game is brought up I know but man I really wish there was a third person option for this. I have the same issue with stealth in first person and in general, have an easier time with perception in 3rd. I absolutely love everything I’m seeing about this, and if it even hits 1/100th of the

Pah! Ever since Planet Earth 2, I am convinced every predator on earth must be starving to death because they simply cannot catch a damn thing. The polar bear was one of two exceptions I counted the entire series. Unless you’re a fish or an insect, animals do not die in a nature documentaries anymore.

I mean, if you can do 100 pushups/situps/squats and a 10k run then you’re already in pretty damn good shape.

That’s fine, but don’t expect to have Pierre Taki in it. 

Erasing unpleasant bits of their history is par for the course in Japan.

It amazes me how racist/sexist/whateverelseist people are being in the name of inclusivity. It used to be a good thing, people sharing and enjoying other cultures. Now we barricade them off and essentially segregate cultures in the guise of inclusivity. It’s depressing how conservative Neo-liberals are.

This particular corner of Hollywood doesn’t give a shit about your “backlash”. Between the hardcore fans that will watch the movie just because it’s called the same as that thing they’re fans of and clueless idiots that will watch it on itunes and netflix just to pass the time, they’ll be making plenty of money without

To me FF is all about the story, and FFXV was one of the worst I’ve ever played.


It is disturbing.  I agree 100% with Dave-P.  I find it interesting that you felt the need to claim he has a problem, when in actuality he’s only saying something rather tame and moderate.