herbert longshanks

this is exactly how 4channers were trolling for pedophiles a while back. you'd be surprised how many there seem to be. once you have a child/female account setup the marks just come pouring in. once they send dick pix to a 14 year old, its doxxing time. it's kind of sickening how easy it is.

On a less dark note, I had

People got pretty rustled over c+= tho amirite?

when i realized this it was crushing.

server hopping military spawns on night servers with low pop is an easy way to get ridic geared real fast. word on the street is they're gonna make cities "no spawn zones" or some shit to limit that kind of cheap garbage. The fact that loot and zombies don't respawn unless the server restarts changes the game from the

"Neonakis railed against the Times review of the game, which singled out another male character Joel as the story's star but Neonakis says that the real protagonist is Ellie, who begins stereotypical but blossoms into much more."

i've seen this video on redtube.

look who's telling people to "just get a new tv." surely not a classist. definitely not an elitist.

that's a pretty astute reading. i think the environmental aspect is at least 50% of that tho, for sure. call it combo-determinism i guess.

what do you think the point i'm making is?

some violent behavior has biological roots which some argue may carry on genetically between generations. this says nothing about race, however, just individuals.


shill pls go


cue the trolls claiming this (fat insults) is "free speech"

Bravo, great read.

Black ppl cant be racist

and that's why you don't speed on the moon.

you just murdered your own argument. so 100% of humans are 'gamers' and now what

i think you have your argumentation fallacies mixed up. and by your response to my aunt's example, you think people who play board games should constitute gamers as well. scratch that, anyone who has ever played a board game.

the one concession i will give you is that people who play a lil cod or like fifa or some

i don't think my logic is that un-sound. by your logic, my 72 year old aunt who plays solitare on her 2002 office gateway computer is a "gamer," (which she is, according to the stats, and is one example of why the stats are skewed.

i'm not saying women don't belong in games. they do. they need to get marketed to in

assumption has nothing to do with it. im talking about mobile gamers who have limited contact with other mediums of gaming. this happens to be a massive portion of mobile "gamers," i.e. people who have no interaction with anything outside the app store, and whose inclusion in gaming "statistics" makes it look like