herbert longshanks

no, the whovian argument is really the best analogy here. It's the casual vs people who are entrenched in the culture

saying a person who plays bejewelled on their cellphone is in the same realm of a person who plays eve online or wow is like saying an infant is the same as a full grown person just because they're both human.

yes. mobile gaming/ farmville does not make you a "gamer." It makes you a drone.

way to be a solipsistic heartless piece of shit. i bet you have a lot of productive relationships.

hahah who the hell names their kid kim jong il

in the words of my mother: "BEEEEED BUUUGSSSSSS!!!!!"

walgreens: at the corner of happy and undead.

such concentration

they're closing the dollar menu at McDiesel...shit.

as you can see, a male power fantasy and a female's idea of a sexy guy are radically different.

"this is why we can't have nice things??"

wow dude, get more square. this is the future.



what the hell is with this formatting?

wheres lindy when you need her to explain to POC's why exactly they can not be racist.

gtav is hella samey

[completes exploit]



agreed. i doubt this story would be as tittilating without the sexy psycho mugshot also.

no way dude, it just asks for one.