there's even a genre of hentai (anime porn) that revolves around gay dudes banging, and it's marketed toward women. its called yaoi.
there's even a genre of hentai (anime porn) that revolves around gay dudes banging, and it's marketed toward women. its called yaoi.
' "I'm not a sexist, but I'm not a feminist." They think there's this fuzzy middle ground. There's no fuzzy middle ground. You either believe that women are people or you don't. It's that simple. '
but what if you don't agree with most of the post-modern philosophy that feminism is rooted in? can you still think women…
white people are inhuman!
it's a war over sex-positivity in here!
what if the mystery ingredient is, like, testosterone?
this is crossing the border to prudish bro
"Since all of these women feel the need to sneak around instead of ending their marriages (although, by the end of the piece, Laura claims she's left her husband), could it be that the traits being labeled as "Alpha" — dominant, aggressive — are also tied to a deep cowardice?"
Great ending, but I think your definition…
dude this description is pretty thin. did you use voice chat? you talk about your teammates existing, but did you communicate with them at all? this is crucial information. How will voice chat work in gta online? will it be proximity like in DAYZ or server wide like deathmatch games?
>buying minecraft at gamestop
DOSBOX is a great dos emulator that works with this and a ton of other great stuff like simant and sc2000
you know the rest of the world makes fun of america for being this sensitive, right? like, more than guns n cray politics. a lot more.
this is especially relevant when we examine how those white males' constricted worldviews hurt ps4's competitive edge and let the xbox one beat the hell out of them in public opinion. maybe if they had hired some exec's to represent EVERYONE, they'd have done better against the competition.
your mom's character. the hottest.
dude if ur talking about katawa shoju, that started out as satire of the japanese dating game genre and then the creators went down a serious rabbithole. seriously, they started out just making a fucked up lulz game and then got so invested in the characters they were creating that it became, like, real. each of the…
why is he wearing that jackass hat when he's got some serious explaining to do?
kirk put some bass in that voice, son!
really? rage faces? what is this 2010 on reddit?
popular gender politics are popular.
totally different. dayz's core is multiplayer interaction, wheras this one is like dayz 1 player, which in turn would be like playing bf3 with bots.