herbert longshanks

WOW. at first glance, this sounds like a good idea, but this system would be RIPE for trolling. if you and your crew disapporves of some NERD then just downvote the shit out of them and ruin their rep. you could even coordinate raids thru the h8 machine or wherever and fuck with ppl in force.

yeah and like lawyers and shit. it even goes down to the color of ur fucking shoes. MUST WEAR BLACK SHOES brown shoes? how informal of you... fucking scrub.

i agree that it comes down to the two people involved, but with all the different definitions of rape out there, you can see why authority groups must set the bar for "rape" as low as possible, and then just let victims report it if they personally feel like it was rape for them. for instance, in the girls adam

I read the first few sample pages, and it actually seems pretty well written. I'd actually be more upset with LOLreviews if the work was shit, rather than actually good. if it's good, who cares?

Lena Dunham herself on the Adam rape scene: "To me, it seemed like a terrible miscommunication between two people who didn't know what they really wanted." While I respect and agree with this interpretation of this event, what he did constitutes rape. Universities consider that rape. A court of law would possibly

yeahhh... anybody who thinks americans are the only ones who act like this have never seen groups of australians abroad... or brits... or germans... or norwegians...

reminds me of awesome 80s futurist art

ugh. i watched the video of rocket doing the motion capture for that zombie animation for the arms cocked back like that and... i thought it looked stupid then, and even moreso now. what the fuck is he doing climbing mount everest when his game looks like shit like this? even the dayzmod ORIGINS mod looks better than

i listen to this one conservative talk radio guy just to see how MAD he is all the time and he was totally raging about this device. right before he went on to rage about all these darned "internet hoaxes" nobody can do anything about.

i was thinking that the minute i saw the uaz. btw the tech demo is pretty sweet to play.

i wonder if the heroin relapse had anything to do with his starring in Death of a Salesman on broadway. The play is considered fiercely emotional, and his performance was devastatingly powerful.

dude. bro. STOP USING THE PHRASE "CALL OUT." I keep seeing this term in kotaku articles and I think you may be over/misusing it. When you "call someone out," you're publicly and accusatorally laying their schemes or underhandedness out for all to see. It implies that the recipient of the calling out is lecherous or

harry potter audiobook on ur deathbed? dude.

yeah dude i make a point to treat old people like teenagers all "SUP DUDE LOOKIN SWAG NICE VELCROES BRO I LIKE DAT" because everyone else treats them like they're gonna submit to tears at any moment. i'm not kidding. all the old mothefuckers where i work get all happyfaced and shit when i roll thru all like "hello sir

i bet it can be found in cave paintings SOMEWHERE

come on guys, the stylized "S" basically gives this away as satire. If I was rabidly drawing those on my binders in 1996, DO U think they were actually extant in 1965?

yeah dude the stylized "S" easily gives this away as satire.

it's memorial day, bro. save ur highhorse shit for some ppl who deserve it.

i'm a sucker for MOH stories, not because of the gore or sikk skillz of the recipients, but rather because many of these, esp the ones from vietnam and WWII and WWI are won by ordinary guys just like you and me, who never knew they had heroism inside them. The medal of honor is only given to those who go above and