herbert longshanks

This has been an ongoing issue in my office. In Japan, office environments require a strict dress code for men including a suit, jacket, and tie. For women, it’s a lot less strict, like basically they can wear whatever if they look semi-formal and don’t wear jeans or sneakers. As a result, the men come in all hot and


rocket ragequitting is probably the best thing to happen to dayz since Origins came out for the mod.

this is like one of those army commercials. They make it look super exciting and bro'd out but then u join and most of it is just sitting around or doing grunt work as a private.

modern warfare? are u guys under contract to not call this call of duty 4 or something? cuz... this is call of duty 4.

...and then he ordered a drone strike that killed like 11 children. I bet you the obamas are a great time to hang out with. you should ask george bush about that. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/insid…

simcity is dead. Sc4 was great but he 2013 one truly broke my heart. The only good thing I got out of that game was a free copy of dead space 3 as an apology.

ayy lmao

its pretty shitty to use the word female in this title. Using female might be ok for animals like dogs, but some women are not biologically female and the word is thus transphobic.

you're half right about vietnam vs americans but the french have it worse there cuz of what they did there in their imperialist ventures. as for the popularity of japanese fashion, so what if they like it? that shit is objectively super kawaii.

yes I live and work in asia. Of course everything looks peachy if youre a fuckin tourist. And again, just because ppl like manga doesnt mean they looove japan. How many europeans suck dick over michael bay and james cameron movies but still talk shit about he usa? Come on.

also american culture is popular everywhere america has thrown down the hammer but it doesnt mean people are fucking all about america or anything

yeah I have lived there along with cambodia so stick it up your face pal. If you're hanging out with vanilla ass tourists or other ex-pats of course you get a watered down view of local opinions.

lol this is just about as much evidence you need to damn a population as the Israelis calling for arab genocide on twitter right now.

abe shill plz go.

yeah u do

a few years ago Abe hadn't talked shit in beijing yet, dokdo wasn't as big a deal, and Japan's military coming back wasn't even a thing. doesn't matter how big kpop was in japan, they were still calling coreans dogs on the streets and the black van dudes would talk shit about koreans over loudspeakers while blasting

Because Kpop is bigger in china and parts of southeast asia than it could ever be in Japan and all those countries harbor an intense resentment of Japan's historical atrocities and modern-day ethnocentrism that borders on fascism. It's not "things like this" that stop Japan from getting along with other countries,

dude kiwis are all skinny nerds like rocket and the maoris are all addicted to meth or ice or whatever u call it. easy game. also ur grammar sucks