terrible game. sc4 was far better. just look up the 2013 city sizes. easily less than 20% sc4 city size
terrible game. sc4 was far better. just look up the 2013 city sizes. easily less than 20% sc4 city size
dude, why is kotaku reblogging 2 month old vsauce videos? this new layout is going to kill gawker.
screaming CHOO GUH LAY!?!? at the ajummas in there probably would have been the best decision. Having lived in Seoul for a while, i'm familiar with the adjumma & adjushi stink-eye, which holds mythical and ancient powers of condemnation. It must not be tolerated on american soil, for the sake of young Korean chicks…
badasscat, the secret to all residential cities is utilites balance and HIGH WEALTH PARKS. if you manage your land values and keep them high, as well as drop taxes to like 6%, you'll succeed. make sure your sewage systems are and power and water are all in the green, and then just increase your size as your city can…
the new simcity is the biggest disappointment in gaming in a long, long time. i grew up on simcity 2000 and simcity 4 was a great evolution of the concept. simcity 2013 is... abysmal. the cities are tiny, the glassbox engine that was supposed to be so awesome turns out to be all smoke and mirrors, the servers are…
this is a great blog post. an excellent expose of the forces truly at work here. everyone should read adria's blog retelling of the incident too, to see for themselves how self-righteous she really is about it. i mean, it's kind of embarassing.
I don't think u guys understand the full scale of what went on with sendgrid. They were under full DDOS on all their servers for over 24 hours, and as an email related tech company, that literally put all their clients offline. they had no option but to fire her as per anon's demandsd because if they didn't they'd…
welcome to jezebel. bask in all the hate, as long as who you are hating is white, male, and straight. enjoy your self-righteous condemntation of all that you disagree with, and take full advantage of your unassailable position as a woman-therefore-you-cant-be-sexist-due-to-the-patriarchy suffering through our…
ITT: "i didn't eat gluten before it was cool." literally. repeat: literally.
dude i used to love simant! i've been waiting for a remake for like 15 years!!!
bump for japanese john mcclaine from die hard 1. note the "no shoes" look. they missed the pieces of glass stuck in the skin, tho.
yeah that and the bugged great work sites... the loss of resources is killing me.
on it.
this had better be true. if they try to sell me that shit i will trip hard.
the small map size does more agains the player than just force them to raze areas, it outright limits how far u can progress in a building tree by capping ur population. seriously, i have a large, flat city gridded to the 9's for maximum density, and i have it, but not a big enough population to access lvl 5 city hall…
2 thoughts on this: 1: Anguish over launch day troubles? 1ST WORLD PROBLEMS. it's not that bad, bro. read a book (EA still sucks tho) . 2: TRADE DEPOTS. after a lot of bullshit myself waiting for servers, etc, i was able to create a pretty tits city, using recycling centers and trade depots to JACK my economy to…
what are you talking about? all the highest grossing shit is scifi and fantasy, bro! lotr star wars, harry potter, hunger games, the list goes on. seems like we have plenty of time for scifi.
10/10 made me read twice