herbert longshanks

why does this make people cry? you should check out some genocide or iraqis with dead baby videos on youtube if u wanna feel some REAAAAL emotion. also, if this is all u have to cry about, CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE! spidey senses tell me 88% of the people crying to this deer are WHITE!

bump for surprise ending!

lol this is super similar to Rocket's apology after everyone abandoned DayZ for relentless artifacting, bugs and hackers.

i wish i had...

i was looking forward to the new sim city... until i read this.

jezebel is a troll site, much like christwire.org. get with the program bro.

this article: 5/10 troll. post-patriarchy? HA. The way the author characterizes white males as weenie little crybabies that get all pouty at their first 'loss,' we should be surprised whites OR males have ever had ANY power. This guy's kids are gonna grow up to be huge pussies. Hopefully he doesn't have sons. He's

tl;dr. too much emo, not enough reasoning. also, nobody gives a shit if some dumbass fundie christian 'blames the gays.' shit's weak and we all know it. stop acting like those idiots are representative of all christians. all these media people tryna absolve video games and movies and tv from responsibility for where

... not to mention that game-changers like dayz and minecraft are super boss on PC because of user-created content and modability. Also think about all those free2play games like hawken and planetside2 and LOL that are making games more accessible to people with all size wallets.

lol "heeeeeeeella gold"

whos gretchen? gretchen fetchen slime queen?

also, i'll just leave this here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man

actually, i'd give her 8/10 for a successful troll and unearthing much butthurt on both sides.

well everyone, as the battle of the sexes heats up, proponents of both sides keep throwing the same tired accusations of 'misandry' or 'misogyny' at each other in the truest of hypocritical forms, and here we have JEZEBEL at the heart of it, beating the bees nest with their usual histrionic excess. apparently to them,

10/10 unintentional troll! so much mad in here



mitt romney was most certainly not a "white dude's white dude." he was a mormon and a fringe 1%er. Me and all my gun shooting, porn watching "white dude" friends voted for obama because he is more of a "white dude" than mitt romney could ever be. mitt romney doesn't even drink.

I am a fan of Sarkeesian's analysees on youtube, though I was never the biggest fan of her sometimes-snarky tone, and i think she goes heavy on the TRIGGER WARNING sometimes. I always thought that her vids were pretty enlightening (esp. the legos one.), but after watching this and seeing how she theatrically frames

Hey man, I totally agree. good ups on "nostalgia chick." I just checked her out and she's awesome. I like sarkeesian too, but after watching this and seeing how she theatrically frames the trolling she got, she's starting to look kinda scary. like Tipper Gore scary. She uses over-sensitivity as a tool of power, and i