Herbed and Spiced

It may not taste as good as a steak, but it’s just wheat gluten, it has pretty much zero flavour when nothing is added to it. Not good sure, but not gross (and when done right, and you haven’t eaten meat in a while, fucking gold).

You are wrong, and have clearly had shitty seitan.

Roughned* Odor.

As a Canadian who lives a two-day dog sled from Toronto, I think Houston has a better shot.

As a bald man with a tiny dog, I’m fanboying pretty hard right.

I’m not a doctor, but it’s probably a brain tumour.

I’m not a sports personality, but I play one on TV.

The dude looks like a pin cushion with cancer.

Just realized the above statement also works when said as a rap.

I really think you should go your way and stop with your little lies, as I’m clearly right by a landslide.

Rugby and Assuie Rules, not the same at all.

Still not as terrifying as being named after a Fleetwood Mac tune.

So close yet so crossbar.

That much disdain for a Christian Padre makes Lackey one hell of an Atheist.

Of course he lit into him, his name is Lampson not Lampsoff.

Big league chew.

...both basketball programs spent more than allowed on hotels, private cars, birthday or holiday parties, meals and valet parking.

He calls his bat, Doughboy.

I did the same and even parlayed it into sex by saying how great it’d be to have such a cute kid. Jokes on her though, after years of treating my body like a truck stop toilet, my boys have the mobility of Andy Reid trying to run through a pool of sand.

Yeah, she’s cute and changing the sports baby game forever...but can she dunk?