Herbed and Spiced

“...some people have more money than sense.”

Guess that’s what it would look like if David Wells ever tried to slide.

The meta hot take.

Make America Taste Again!

Oliver Miller. And not just because he was fat...but because he pistol whipped someone at a family cookout.

(Cassius) clay courts.

Bocelli didn't.

I guess we can add John Skipper to that short list of people who can, in fact, judge Ray Lewis.

The only thing gush worthy about Whitlock, is the amount of gravy that oozes from his pores.

You shouldn’t, but people still would, is what I was getting at. Like when Wade did it, I would’t care, it’s a stupid song written when women couldn’t vote and old, white men had to sew their shirts shut because buttons weren’t invented (give or take 500 years).

Definitely one of those things you have to see to believe, which is why Andrea Bocelli still has his doubts.

...while Wentz marinates on the sidelines.

How am I not respecting the flag by questioning if a sporting event is the best fit for a national anthem? Am I Wade all of a sudden? Can’t tell if your a troll, or just a moron.

Gotta love the irony of an emoji long read.

Take it easy Ford Nation. Calling out the anthem (which is currently under legislative review to be less awful/dated) is not disrespecting Canada.

Catching a baby opossum is the baseball equivalent of boxers training by catching chickens, in that it probably doesn’t help with anything, but makes for a good montage.

Acceptable, it’s how we feel about North America.

I’d imagine it be all the worse however, because he’d be a Canadian tarnishing an American pastime, which coincidentally, was invited by a Canadian.

I’m all for making fun of Canada, but “aboot”, and “soary” wouldn’t even make the writing room for a Fallon sketch.
