Just like you guys did in Vancouver...
Just like you guys did in Vancouver...
Yes, revel in your ignorance! Your suggestion that the best thing about your country is that its citizens are fucking hopelessly uneducated about the world around them is so gloriously telling.
You know, you didn't really need to explain that. I think if you understand something it's pretty safe to assume everybody else does too.
The Bucks organization is really trying hard to get its players to play like there's no tomorrow.
hmm, i don't think i quite believe you re: health care since i have some friends who've bitched about wait times. i will say this: the parts of canada that are closest to the 49th parallel (where something like 90% of canadians live, is that right?) are pretty lovely, especially on either coast. the people in the…
I think you meant this (more for trolling Canada than promoting Sweden):
-US starts war to invade British North America.
-US tries to invade British North America, fails miserably.
-British Empire and US sign treaty ending war.
That's a loss.
Fair point, but the American brought up 1812 first and it's not like this game is USA vs UK.
Except in Quebec, where they'll be watching Just For Laughs Gags.
After we slaughter you swine I am going to have that photo printed on toilet paper and will wipe my ass with it every day.
Well, as a Canadian you would be the expert on the flavor of American buttholes.
Suck a full butthole. And since it will be an American butthole it will taste stupid, fat, and bad at hockey.
Instead of some lame attempt at a joke, I'd like to say in all seriousness that Canada sucks and we're going to bash your fucking faces in. #Canadasucks #maplesyrupjunkies #ImaBelieber #neverforget1812.
Harper and Obama are hanging in Mexico together. Tequila is flowing. Traditional friendly bet between nations ensues.
Putin then downgraded the band to "Pussy Minor Peace Disturbance"
I feel terrible for the guy. With such a close-knit, upstanding locker room, there's no way the Ravens will take a chance on a questionable deviant like Michael Sam.
The 'peeking' joke is too easy and I'm ruining it right now. Don't even try it.
the biggest Olympic boners of all time