I'm still waiting for his cameo on Sons of Anarchy as Clay's brother.
I'm still waiting for his cameo on Sons of Anarchy as Clay's brother.
It's all cute and adorable until you sign the papers and find out that she actually comes with the house.
Leave it to Gregorius to let Arod be gregarious.
If you took Queen Victoria and inserted the mind of a five year old and gave her access to the clothes of homeless New Yorkers, this is what you'd end up with.
This is fitting, seeing as the Mets continually produce a product that is best suited to the colon.
The best part of the article is how he only started to lose weight once he was injured and done for the year. I guess I can take solace in the fact that my stints in rehab working on my eroding body are more physically taxing than an NBA season.
I preferred the Electric Zombie's original name, the Les Harvey.
The Taj is not in the Middle East, Adrian.
"That could have really hurt if it was Suarez."
Très beau.
It became darker and darker until I was surrounded by an eerie black silence, broken only by the sound of my slow breathing and racing heartbeat.
I don't know, If I've learned anything from Robert Durst, it's that rich people just have really bad luck.
If Irving keeps dropping dimes at this rate. he'll draw the ire of Aaron Hernandz.
Laughter heals all wounds...well some wounds.
Like it or not, Pauly Shore put MTV spring break on the map. I guess history forgets those who are insufferable.
Good thing that never happened to Drazen Petrovic during his playing days, given his record with skid-marks.
I thought players were only cut if they used their hands?
He hasn't aged in 30 years. Which is to say, he's looked 80 since his 50's.
How do people not just know this?