True, it's been almost a whole three years since his malicious and devastating elbow to Harden and a whopping 8 since his domestics abuse charge. Changing your name to Peace doesn't make you peaceful.
True, it's been almost a whole three years since his malicious and devastating elbow to Harden and a whopping 8 since his domestics abuse charge. Changing your name to Peace doesn't make you peaceful.
He'll always have the warm, security blanket that is the MLS to fall into.
You're a sweet fucking guy, the C was a nice touch.
Ya I own a Volcano so don't doubt that S&B would make for a great product. Ya I'm over the PAX, can't believe I dropped 3 bills on it. I'm all about the O-phos and oils now, so not sure I'd go back to a herb pen ha.
I need to get it. The PAX is good, but doesn't actually vape, it burns the ends for sure.
Hi name is fitting, seeing as he's definitely not part of the 1%.
What is that thing?! I thought I knew of all the gadgets. BTW, move to Canada so we can become best friends. It's like you know me better than I know myself. Curb and green. Friendship forever.
I want to move to CO...and I live in Canada where we used to be the mecca!
Do you have one of those butane fixed loops things? If not, be careful!
I've just recently started on oils/shatter and love it. Some just taste so amazing, and it's so convenient. I do prefer the stoney feel as well, just trying to avoid smoking (which is why I love the oils, I can quasi-vape them from my pen and still get ripped). Once you pass that 30 year mark time to scale it back on…
Are you a self-aware grocery store?
How did you post into a Sponsored post? Did you just break the time-space continuum? Sorcery!
I find the easiest way to explain the difference between smoking and vaping is that with smoking you get stoned, and vaping you get high. Though with the oils/shatters, vaping those gets you wrecked. I've recently gotten into edibles, which blow them both out of the water, but are not to be taken lightly.
Firstly let me say one thing about smoking for anxiety/stress. I find that personally it does help me, but on the flip side, it can actually make your anxiety worse when coming down. And if you grow dependent on it to regulate your moods, you can experience some pretty extreme swings. But for some, it really is a…
Good question (how I love talking about green). In my older age, I've actually taken to vaping more so than smoking. When solo at home, I will use my Volcano (can't recommend it enough) and when I'm out and about, I will use my O-Phos or Cloud 2.0 to dab oils/shatter or my Pax for herbs. When I'm with friends or say…
Rolling is the second best part of the whole experience. Learn to roll filter in and never look back. And if you need to buy a rolling machine, probably just time to give up on green and start a blow habit, because if you can't manage the simplest of tasks, what's the point of attempting a productive, meaningful life?…
Crossovers doesn't always work, just ask John Edwards.
Lil Sebastian deserved soooo much better.
Like a Phoenix chastising.
Don't fuck with KG or he'll put your phone where his game is!