Herb & Spice

They can sell on the premises (and most do as the price to get into the Beer Store is too much for them). The bigger craft brewers (like Beau's) are getting into the provincially run LCBO (some into Beer Store). Most craft breweries around here sell growlers or mini growlers on site, not bottles.

Agreed. Kissemeyer is by far the best brewed at Beau's (you can actually taste faint notes of pine). But it is actually brewed by a brew master not employed by Beau's... just a partnership. Lug Tread I can't get behind.

Dieu du Ciel is the best brewery in Canada, hands down.

For every good Muskoka beer, there are 4 shit ones. Detour is good. Mad Tom is great. The rest are nothing special.

I don't think it takes any sort of inside info to assume that a wealthy athlete caught stealing cologne and underwear is most likely dealing with some type of mental illness.

Curt Schilling being Republican cost the State of Rhode Island about $110 M.

E.J. Third-row-land

"Just flip, bite and sip the Big Bite Valve".

"Just flip, bite and sip the Big Bite Valve".

For something being shown on the Live Leak channel, I was expecting more blood.

J Dilla must be fucking rolling in his grave if you think this is good hip hop. Just no. And while we're on the subject, A$AP Rocky can fuck right off to. There already is an Aesop Rock, and he actually knows how to rhyme. Can't take the death of hip hop silently, in the face of this garbage. I know I must be getting

Larry Sanders returning to HBO would have been MUCH more exciting.

Jameis Winston standing on a picnic table doesn't agree with any of this.

This is clearly semantics, but shouldn't Pedro's 1999 and 2000 seasons put him above Johnson?

Wait, so adding butter to your coffee isn't the weight loss miracle we had all been waiting for? Shocking!

From a political standpoint, you have to imagine that the team you align yourself with speaks volumes about your political aspirations. Republican governor with presidential aspirations chooses "America's team" over regional teams (Giants/Jets). Can we get a Regressing analysis on the favorite football teams of

I've been waiting on the flag explanation from Turkmenistan for some time now:

The NHL didn't care who the artist was, as long as they performed a song that said the word 'white' as many times as possible.

FSU's use of tricks didn't end so well for them.

So essentially, he gets off because he hasn't been formally caught doing anything illegal for a 32 game stretch (even though informal evidence suggests he has). Replace that with 32 years and you have the Bill Cosby defense.

The only punishment Rodgers received were confused feelings he felt over enjoying his handful of Suh's ass.