...'Skins are bad at this whole quarterback thing.
...'Skins are bad at this whole quarterback thing.
Depth is always an issue.
Gibson has a future in PR*.
As the picture depicts, I think the only worthwhile reason to become a billionaire would be for the ability to wear a Tilley hat in public and still get laid.
I wonder if the St. Louis PD will be more outraged by the actions of the political staffers or the fact that so many black people work in Congress?
Well, not entirely accurate, they should definitely be sorry for 2009.
Influenza virus is remarkable for its high rate of mutation.
This is not to be confused with the Temple Police Department's Run from the Cos.
"We're going to take advantage of what we need to take advantage of. I don't give a fuck who films it."
Fixed: I hope it comes back clear positive and that Gangwish is healthy gets rabies , and also that Gangwish gets charged for animal abuse.
It looked legit, until I realized everyone in the crowd was drinking Pepsi.
If one positive thing can be said for prolonged substance abuse, it's that it clearly works fucking wonders on the hairline.
Bieber's the 6.
In the league Peter King runs, Goodell got the first ten draft picks and is always first for waivers. The league's loser has to give Roger a hand job. It's a two person league.
Yup still across the street. There were rumours that they might be moving, but think those flamed out. Though Rogers Centre no longer serves them at Jays games.
That's a fucking shame. Soon enough (already happening/happened), the city will be taken over by pretentious assholes who spend $90 bucks on shitty lobster at Trump's America. The one silver lining, it makes my hometown of Ottawa seem more livable in comparison (though still a government town who gets Tdot and MTL's…
Agreed. And those glass phalluses will all need to be redone in 20 years when they start to break down. Just so stupid. Thankfully, we'll always have the Annex and Kensignton.
And aren't they moving the Steam Whistle brewery? All is lost...
Being successful in the CFL is all relative, considering it's a nine team league (eight until recently). In a way, it's more of an honour to be one of the three teams (before this year it was two) who don't make the playoffs than the six who do.