Herb & Spice

If one vibrates from "having chewed bubble gum", I'm going to assume that bubble gum is code for cocaine.

Gaping maw of a Sarlacc pit was actually the Fleshlight's prototype. It needed a re-design.

It's probably more natural than Monsanto corn and can do this:

Can't believe Melo let her hold the ball...

..."wasn't buying that a little ol' snowball could bring a grown man to his knees.

Does Gatorade color the water orange for such instances or do the players actually drink that shit?

4.5 Yeast Mold

He also leaves his feet (though not in a forward motion), so a charging penalty wouldn't have been out of the question.

Above the RAM.

The Cardinal (got in the) Way

"My goal was always to play in an oppressive enenvironment with a false sense of freedom and equality; where power rested in the hands of a few incompetent elites and everyone else was miserable, angry and had long ago lost their sense of being and purpose."

I actually believe in the dark powers of the engagement chicken. As the cook (and male) in the relationship, my expert roasting of chickens over the past 6 years of our relationship have allowed me not to propose (disclaimer, she's great, the concept of marriage isn't).

This is the impetus Rex Ryan needs to put a tight leash on Vick and muzzle him for the remainder of the season...and then proceed to electrocute him while drowning in a tub of cold water.

And the ensuing 14 years of his life.

"...more angry than disappointed."

The ultimate goal for Snyder is to sell enough discounted expired beer to his fan base, so he can proudly point to the universal bond of red skin.

I can only imagine the sadness on Andy Reid's face when firing up the internet this morning and seeing this video.

As a bald man, I find it a complete affront when people desecrate the beautiful gift that is hair.

The rain, in a true test of his faith, wiped the 4:13 off of his glove.

Jim Everett still hasn't figured out how to use tables.