Herb & Spice

Your joke finally allowed me to put my History degree (concentration in Russian history) to use. Four years of my life thank you.

I thought the world's most beautiful game was Kim Kardashian: Hollywood?

We'll see if your strategy keeps Albert Haynesworth safe...

If this season doesn't work out for the Rams, Greg Williams can always return to his role in Thunderbirds.

Steve Miller Band approved.

Leaf really should be the one wearing the "liver shot" shirt, with an added comma between the two words.

I'm all for risky career changes, but you'd think Wilson would have learned his lesson from sticking his neck out one too many times.

Kickstarter for Weird Al. All sides win.

This footage bodes well for the upcoming season, as last time Kobe got this raw, he responded with a ring.

PR Guy: Johnny, the good news is that little middle finger stunt just got you even more coverage in the press. You'll be all over SportsCentre! The bad news though, that whole Ferguson mess is still going on over there [points with thumb], so you probably won't be front page news.

That's the closest Manziel would have come to looking like a star on the field.

Candle in the Windy City:

Elam's backup has murder in his eyes.

Canadian McDonald's switched to Fruitopia "Orange Groove". And it's a fucking disgrace.

What would 15 year old Matthew think of his future hero now?

One fan will surely take matters into his own hands:

Some rookies may need that advice if this season doesn't work out?

"Who was harder on Tim Tebow than me?"

+1 white blood cell count.