Herb & Spice

The Eagles should be careful, as the NFL seems to come down pretty hard on green.

Your post not only makes me think you're an asshole, but perhaps Rupert Murdoch as well?

And sometimes it can take decades to pick out the right name, just ask Fausto Carmona.

They have ointments and antibiotics for that.

Exhibit A - does this look like a man who 'loves' and 'respects' his wife? Or one who is about to punch her in the face and drag her into a dodo operated lift?

And, you know, it's N. America's 4th largest city. And Buffalo, is well, Buffalo.

And, you know, it's N. America's 4th largest city. And Buffalo, is well, Buffalo.

And, you know, it's N. America's 4th largest city. And Buffalo, is well, Buffalo.

Yoenis is gonna sound great/hilarious/extremely annoying, in a New England accent.


"I do not envy the hardy fans who watched all 6:27 of the game between the 43-63 Rockies and the 44-61 Cubs"

Due to the name of the tournament and the phallic logo, organizers didn't let Brett Favre buy in.

Kinda...the nail, however, makes it look like a dog's lipstick dick at the end.

You call those nice burns?

Of course it's subjective, but if you've never heard anyone say Hicks was the greatest, or at least right on par with Carlin and Pryor, then I'd assume you have for one, never watched a Hicks sets, and two, never watched a good doc on stand-up. If he hadn't died at 32, you would have heard it several times by now.

Would that somehow teach him how to pass? You do realize Sam dropped in the draft because he came out?

I would argue that it's his traditions that make him so offensive.

Seeing as it's Seattle, Trader Joe would be a better nickname.

That would be true for almost every other football team. But the trick would be keeping his production high, while making sure he forgets that he plays for the Browns.

He was arguably the best receiver in the league last year. If I was his coach/GM, I'd be delivering him bricks before every practice.