Herb & Spice

Man, when will this kid learn that the only acceptable drug in the NFL is the high one gets from abusing their loved ones?

Race-focused comedy by someone who experienced racism > blow job jokes. I see what you're saying about some comedians that only focus on extreme stereotypes about race, but if you look at the scope of Rock's work, it's rather eclectic. You mentioned Pryor earlier as a great (which of course I agree with, he was a

Good thing Jimmy Kimmel Live wasn't around during the height of William Burroughs' fame.

Clay over Rock? Surely you jest...

This is actually part of the new viral marketing campaign for Lays.

Don't forget Hicks, who by 30 was the greatest comic of all time.

"A team called the Reds should be the only team NOT crashing back to earth."

If anyone can work with Sterling it's Ballmer, who has ample experience in dealing with viruses.

Seguin is taking the Stars history of Northerns moving down south to a whole new level.

Not sure I'd equate patriotism as the sole reason for the ratings. If that we're the case, every US national team playing a world cup (hockey, Olympic teams etc) would have equal or similar ratings and they simply don't. It's the most watched and played sport in the world for a reason, that reason being it truly is a

This also explains why Delonte West is now playing in China.

But you also can't give a coach a nail file...

Some may argue that instead of going hard to the rim, one should pull-up...but I've always found that instead of going to the rim, I much prefer to pull-out and go eat a sandwich.

I'm trying to determine that while masturbating, if my inner monologue was replaced by that announcer, would I cease the act all together, or increase it?

I have many friends who both love getting up early and dongs, sounds like an ideal gig for the right person.

So did I. Maybe it's just common knowledge with the company we keep.

THC can stay in your system for weeks/months, as compared to opiates (which you can clean out in a matter of days). A positive test doesn't mean he was using during the combine or the days leading up to it.

"This is an eyeball business."

Now that's what I call some dead-spin.

Air Force Scum