
I love this show! And I definitely did not see that reveal coming, or see the “reset” coming. Please let it come back for another season!

wait until after the economy tanks, you might get a better deal

I’m starting to become more and more convinced that there was more direct hacking/tampering with the actual election results than was first admitted. There is definitely something going on. It seems the Republicans are trying to hide it (for obvious reasons) and Democrats and other government officials don’t know what

And at the same time that people are having all these unwanted kids because they can’t access basic reproductive healthcare, rich white men are also automating/planning to automate more and more jobs, just so they can make more money for themselves. And they want to gut social safety net programs too. What is their

Waiting? Because they haven’t been saying that since the primaries?

“Despite its name, the Department of Energy plays the leading role in designing nuclear weapons and in ensuring the safety and reliability of the nation’s aging nuclear arsenal through a constellation of scientific laboratories...”

What upsets me most about third party voters in this election is that neither 3rd party candidate was even remotely decent. Voting for a terrible candidate just because they like the idea of having more than 2 mainstream parties is just so damn stupid. If we did have 4 mainstream parties and all but one

“Great meetings will take place today at Trump Tower concerning the formation of the people who will run our government for the next 8 years.”

Hey, not a bad idea. It’s like that Seinfeld episode where Elaine decides to get rid of the creepy mailroom guy by promoting him. Maybe we just need to create some sort of ceremonial pope/emperor type of position and promote Trump into that so we can get the presidency back.

You mean the poor who overwhelmingly voted for Clinton? They didn’t seem to take issue with the current party platform.

Let’s focus on the white men and everyone else can expect to see trickle-down benefits!


Yeah, as much as I don’t want Trump to be president it seems dangerous and ill-advised for the electoral college to vote someone else in. And the part that bothers me the most about this is that many of these liberals signing the petition are the same ones who have been railing against the corrupt system & political

Trump is going to have to give a speech on Inauguration Day. And at the State of the Union. Those speeches are loooong, and boring, and I can’t imagine him being able to focus, remain somewhat dignified (for him) and read from the teleprompter for that long. This is going to be a shitshow.

But having a 3rd party just for the sake of having a 3rd party is completely meaningless. If that 3rd party is still terrible, then what’s the point? What have we accomplished?

We’re all going to die.

The conspiracy-minded part of me thinks the Republicans are just using him to gain power and will assassinate him as soon as possible, putting Pence in charge. They don’t give a shit about Trump, he is completely expendable to him and they know over time he is bound to cause them trouble.

Agree, this election was never about change, but more about undoing change. Undoing the fact that anyone other than a white man dared to lead the country. Undoing health insurance. Undoing gay marriage rights, abortion rights, stopping transgender rights. And yet some Bernie supporters are still blaming their fellow

A lot of women I grew up with (in NJ, not even a rural conservative part of the country) I suspect voted either 3rd party or for Trump. they won’t really talk much about it and won’t say for sure who they ended up voting for. Mostly they talk about how much they hate Hillary, and don’t trust her, would be scared no