
Then Trump will block him on Twitter, which I’m thinking he assumes would mean we’ve closed our embassy.

I can tell you how people where I am in Germany are reacting: “We’ve seen this happen before, and you aren’t going to like where it’s going.”

In the UK, there’s the realisation that the US collapsing will likely mean a swift post-Brexit UK-US trade deal, as it suddenly becomes the sole good PR low hanging fruit available to Trump.

My husband has revealed himself to be a “good, burn it all down”BernieBro who doesn’t even totally trust Bernie. We are fighting constantly about it, and it’s making our marriage miserable. He’s using ad hominem attacks and other poor arguments. Yesterday he said, “I will be just fine, it’s only the guys in WA who

Such special snowflakes. The entire country is turning into a dumpster fire but at least they are still pure. *vomit* They are the physical embodiment of the “This is fine” dog.


BUT HER EMAILS! Right Bernie Bros and Stein-heads. You can all go burn in hell for the part you played in making this nightmare a reality, fuck all of you.

Normal adults have had to work for what they have, and keep working for it. Work takes time away from things like Twitting and TV. Something tells me that he hasn’t really worked very hard in his life, ever.

It’s not so much that I thought Donald Trump actually read a lot of books of any kind, but for some reason it has just hit me. Our President is a man who doesn’t read any books. Any of them. At all. (Look, I’m sure plenty of our presidents have not been big readers - W. comes to mind, but hell Laura was a teacher and

I would love it if he started watching Real Housewives of Atlanta reruns on Bravo and tweeted about that.

Simpsons did it first!

This is absolutely mind-boggling to me. Normal adults often don’t even have time for a few minutes of television daily and THIS IS OUR PRESIDENT (?!). I will also just never get over the fact that the man who holds the most important office in the world tweets infantile word detritus to the tune of 140 characters

Parks and Recreation. He’d learn a lot more about government that way. And the West Wing.

But his meetings now begin at 9 a.m., earlier than they used to, which significantly curtails his television time. Still, Mr. Trump, who does not read books, is able to end his evenings with plenty of television.

Maybe just some spongebob to get him ready for his afternoon nap.

Expect a new set of executive orders designed to prevent women from marrying men who are no good for them, or men with former wives who have disappeared under suspicious circumstances.

“Still, Mr. Trump, who does not read books...”

Hell, I’d settle for Lifetime.

I think there was another person who’s called Obama a weak leader... I can’t quite remember who... For some reason I keep picturing an orange balloon, half inflated, farting angrily out of it’s opening.

Do you ever see a Donald Trump tweet and wonder, What could he possibly be going on about now, and hope against all hopes maybe it’s part of some bigger plan you’ll understand one day? No—he’s not that smart. He’s just tweeting the chyrons he sees on Fox News.