
I got into Brown the other day and two other black people I did a summer program with got into Cornell and Stanford recently!

I realize I’m old now at 41, but I tried to read that first chapter of the article and it looked like what happens when you open a music file in Notepad.

I have it on good authority that people that do not use curtains or blinds to cover their windows also have never used a washcloth in their entire life.

As a corollary to that, ironic racism only works in a performance setting if the goal of the racist statement is to make the person saying it look bad (see Archer Bunker or the “It’S Always Sunny” gang). So unless David Cross was trying to make some point about white people or Southerners being assholes, which I

And there you have the problem with “ironic racism.” You may be intending to make fun of “actual racists,” but to the person on the receiving end of your comments, it can be no different than if they’d gotten those same comments from an actual redneck. I mean, honestly, what is the difference? Whether you’re mocking

I can’t handle the taste of artificial sweeteners at all so anytime something claims it’s healthy, I look for that because that is how they healthify a lot of things that otherwise would have a lot of sugar. My mom is always trying to claim that it tastes just like real sugar - this is a blatant lie. I luckily don’t

Same! I posted above, because I didn’t know if it was just me, but sugar substitutes give me the worst migraines.

Yea. It has stevia in it which is always what turns me off from it after I think about buying it. I cannot stand the taste of stevia, it’s sooo saccharine. I think you are making the right choice here. 

I know you are using this gif for other reasons, but all I hear is , “Ronnie Bobby Ricky and Mike” over and over and over.

That’s gotta sting!

What the hell? I can’t with this dude. I’m over here wondering if I should splurge on lunch today and buy myself an ice cream because it’s hot as hell outside.

Between two fans.

Now show me one from David Cronenberg

Intentional or not, it further shows this Administration has pushed what many refer to as “soft” or “softcore” Holocaust Denial. “Not his own people” is a frightening statement about what the Nazis did that is historically inaccurate but more important, pushes the actual Nazi idea that Jews within the German borders