
The most telling moment was the phrase “I sat quietly.”

My text to my friends immediately after seeing this trailer: “They turned my stifling gothic into a sexy thriller 🙁”

Fiona Shaw is the only person I would ever unironically call a thespian.

This might be an okay movie, but it’s not Rebecca. It’s just a completely different story that they’re calling Rebecca. I don’t know how to put this because one of my number 1 pet peeves is pairing a young actress and an older actor, but like, it’s literally a book that is about how gross poorly matched May-December

Metalocalypse welcomes Venture Bros to the "unfinished story club".

That’s where telephone poles come from, right?

This Nokia is an heirloom variety! We thought it was extinct but a few were found in the wild forests outside of Helsinki and propagated.”  It’s delicious paired with 90's nostalgia.” 

PLEASE include either the National Suicide Prevention Hotline or some other relevant resource when posting articles that discuss suicide or self harm. It is genuinely not that hard. It seems that Jezebel has fully committed to not including this information on recent articles addressing suicide.

I feel like I’m back in mid-aughts Harry Potter fandom

I'm waiting for the laptop GoFundMe.

I feel like I’m back in mid-aughts Harry Potter fandom

Now playing

Well then! Lemme refresh your memory. (Great gag)

“The Rom Where It Happens”

It’s a kind of politician in a movie who could be eligible to win an Academy Award.

it sounds like you froze her OS like that high-def sunset picture that’s crashing all the Androids.  Good on you.

my dad had the same bullshit argument. i listened, then asked “so, it sounds like you’re saying that you’re worried about predatory men in bathrooms?” to which he replied with an enthusiastic “exactly.” then i said, “well, it sounds like your issue is with predatory men, not trans people.” his dumb ass shut the fuck

OMG my MIL has the identical fear: men are going to start using the women’s bathroom. She went on and on once about how awful it was and it’ll be a big deal.

She didn’t need to do any of this. She could have just kept quiet in whatever Scottish castle she lives in surrounded by her billions. For the past few years she seems to have transformed into a literary kooky aunt sharing critical information about the Harry Potter world that borders on bad fan fiction that like, I