
It’s a Rebecca Fanfic: Alt-Universe (Coffee Shop).

I swear, if you work at Canes, I’m going to just fall over and cry.


Scheduling college classes around Days airtimes? Check.

Congratulations! I played a female Banquo in MacB locally and although they didn’t gender-swap the language/name, my sword-fight and subsequent gory death was Mama Bear Banquo making sure my son, at least, got away.

GOD DAMN! I seriously had the EXACT SAME FEAR of the Great White Sharks coming through the plumbing. And did you know they can come right through the showerhead IF YOUR BACK IS TURNED?!?!?

/singing to the tune of “Pinky & The Brain”

Skinner exists!

I cannot for the life of me remember where it came from, but I’ve been repeating it for years: “Welcome to the BBC. We have twelve actors, six sets, and three ties.”

When Palpatine did the whole “you’re a Palpatine” thing, I accidentally used my outside voice and said “BULLSHIT” pretty loudly. I was pretty embarrassed, actually. I mean, I thought maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyybe Ren was lying to get her riled up, I could buy that, but Palp’s confirmation... nah.


I’m going to see it again and again!

/raises hand

I maaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy have injured myself attempting to hold in my snort of laughter at this one. That’s going in the files.

For the past few years, whenever I read/hear/see something that raises my ire and/or blood pressure, I take a deep breath and say my mantra:

THIS. This is _always_ my reply when someone asks me any sort of cost question. Even if it’s only in my head.

Old Ebeneezer would be flat proud of Walmart.

Oh, Beth- I wish you’d known about the wonder and glory that is the InterLibrary Loan System. A quick search of the WorldCat database (www.worldcat.org) showed me several copies of that book available for loan in my zip code alone.