Please tell me a grown ass adult did not make this comment...
Please tell me a grown ass adult did not make this comment...
But that is reality. People do FEEL trapped by these situations due to their responsibilities to their partner and children. Avoiding discussing those feelings will never lead to better divorce outcomes or reduce that feeling. It is an entirely valid feeling and does not have to lay blame at the feet of those he is…
To some degree, I can see this as insensitive to his children. But at the end of the day, you are responsible for managing your trauma. Reading into these comments to assume blame against you is not healthy and speaks to a deeper insecurity. So in that way this comment could be insensitive to this insecurity of his…
Who is saying you should feel okay about destructive drinking? No one is happy they did that, but a bystander re-enforcing that shame isn’t helpful to anyone.
Hard disagree. I think this stuff is good to share publicly, to reduce stigma and help people realize they aren’t the only ones struggling with certain feelings and coping in unhealthy ways.
This seems awfully exaggerated. Both in how long the opening sections take and the degree to which it is “awful”. I quite enjoyed it as far as an opening level goes, especially getting familiar with the grappling hook and some of the new weapons. Is it ever going to be in best level contention? No, but it served its…
You can’t pick your mission either, so it’s just restricted for the save file in general. At least until they add mission select later on.
You are just exposing that you don’t know what you’re talking about. This just means it’s even easier to develop for Xbox Series S/X than it would be for PC. Does it add more work? To some degree yes, but it’s not that extreme.
Climb out from under your rock. So many people do not care about those things.
This is such a contortionist attempt to make an argument for a lower bar. Will devoting resources to diversity cost resources? Duh. Of course it will, but arguing that there is no payoff from a diverse workforce is an unfair claim.
The car is still functional they just can’t charge their devices or play from their iPod...
It’s called widening the funnel while not lowering the bar. Companies want to minimize cost as far as looking for and sourcing candidates. If they invest more into widening the funnel and identifying more candidates, they can both find diverse highly qualified candidates, and maintain a high quality bar. There’s…
Come on man... that’s silly. There’s a pretty clear line between objectification and a simple observation or comment.
You can’t have it both ways. She’s both a lying narcissist that was difficult to work with, but she also had such a terrible work life that she should have just quit. You’re basically saying that no matter what she’s the one in the wrong and the trillion dollar corporation should bear no legal fault.
That’s straight up misinformation. The device you are talking about doesn’t exist, it’s a diagnostic tool to verify based on an EEG whether they have a seizure disorder. It does not actually trigger a seizure. So if it was based on that, it seems unlikely it would have caused a seizure. I believe it’s more likely the…
That’s a silly reason to call it the best system. All of these systems require a responsible driver, as does driving a motor vehicle to begin with.
So you are pretentious?
Same... which I didn’t realize it would take so long. You’d think with digital processing it should be instant. It’s almost like they queue them all up from the day and some intern runs a script which pulls it from one database and puts it to another.
Yeah the pin situation was a total gaff. One, the Mario Kart mission wasn’t able to be finished until after the pins sold out, and two the entire process was super opaque. You had no idea what exactly was required of you to have a good shot at the pins.
He legitimately sounds like a mob boss.