
lmao because A. gamers are SUCH rational, level-headed people when things don’t go to schedule or plan as it was announced, and B. you clearly have zero understanding of what shareholder value and stock prices are.

So in the regards of any future plans, titles, and such being leaked, I say “you reap what you sow.”

I sincerely hope you don’t pull that annoying shit with real people in real social situations.

Whataboutism ain’t an argument.

“I don’t think I’ve ever played a game that was more terribly written”

I hate the power that the toxic, vocal Destiny minority seems to have. The state of the game was fine (which was mostly the opinion of popular streamers like Datto), and at worst just kinda “meh.” It doesn’t deserve even a fraction of the hate that’s been spewed at it by the usual self-important, armchair developers

I am not even remotely disagreeing with the protection of and safety of any and all people... but the recidivism rate for sex offenders is significantly lower than most crimes without chemical castration. That was a methodology designed only to abuse people, and I don’t care how much someone is disliked amongst

... I’m not sure what to make of this comment! In your mind the smart move was to rape a child?

It’s not. A disconnect leaves your character there for like 15 seconds, so it will be killed if there’s a pack of mobs nearby. There are also Hardcore exclusive items to prevent your death in case of disconnect: Instant Town Portal. If you have one in your inventory when you DC, it ports you to town instead of leaving

Levi, I appreciate your reasonable response to what was frankly a pretty dickish comment from the poster. The two concepts (side quests give great XP and getting mount as quickly as possible) aren’t mutually exclusive. You had a lot of great tips in here, thank you!

Your post is hacky. Clearly there isn’t a physical input device, and as far as I can tell no other VR/AR device is doing it the same way. 

You’re working too hard to be disappointed in this. 

Yes, he’s a piece of shit, but almost every product for sale on the mass market is made by a company with a piece of shit in charge (CEO’s)... If I chose not to purchase anything that benefited someone who was a piece of shit, I would be living in an empty house. Obviously no disrespect if you choose not to buy the

Jesus Christ, we’re still pretending the LOST finale was bad, or ambiguous, or didn’t answer any question you could reasonably have? Get an opinion that isn’t a decade old meme, I’m begging you. One of the GOAT finales. Basically all the common criticisms betray a complete lack of understanding of what actually

Yeah, the idea of putting Seinfeld as number two between Dexter and How I Met Your Mother doesn’t sit right.

This is the accurate take.

I think the show tried to lean harder into the sympathetic angles of Joel earlier to allow for a similar experience to the game here, which I think they largely succeeded at. But they very much left the sympathy-building for the rest of the series; the finale pulls exactly 0 punches in letting you know exactly who

Shit like this game allows people to pretend they’re making a difference and so they inject an unhealthy dose of moral superiority into their already overinflated egos. They claim it’s about trans rights but they won’t actually lift a finger in any way that actually makes a difference. Not buying the game is easy.

For those who wish to play the game without enriching Rowling: buy a physical used copy from a non-professional reseller (or an independent game store who deserves your money). EA/Rowling see not dime one from such a purchase. Even better, if your local library has games to borrow, borrow the game from there. In both

Replying to you specifically because you put your finger on what’s bugging me about this. Things are so complex and interrelated that we end up hyper-focusing on one specific thing as if it determined if we’re acting morally or not. Every day we’re purchasing stuff that funds terrible things but it’s unbearable to be