It definitely didn’t make winning any less likely.
It definitely didn’t make winning any less likely.
Aww, he was my favorite Republican candidate by default!
“you dropped a hard j”
She’s doing a great job so far. I just can’t wait for her to make one “problematic” joke which will then cause Jez’ undying love and admiration make a 180 because let’s face it, if there’s one thing Jez loves to do is to build up strong women only to tear them down for even the tiniest of perceived slights and for the…
“You don’t get to regulate what other people wear to work. I wouldn’t try to regulate your finger-painted tie or skeevy facial hair. And if I get distracted wondering if that yellow stain around your mouth is whiskers or just the lingering impression of a glory hole, that’s my problem, not yours.”
“No, I just believe marriage is between one man and one woman.”
Let’s not act like Obama doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing. Okay? Let’s dispense with the notion that Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. Obama knows what he’s doing. Some contend Obama doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing. They’re wrong. Obama knows what he’s doing. Algunos estan diciendo que Barack Obama no sabe…
That’s a pretty remarkable exchange.
Here is what I just wrote:
Hey guys, remember when those sexist “Obama boys” were attacking Clinton online everywhere you looked?
The top thread seems pretty great. Its becoming a Sunday tradition to see what comic produces the most ire. Interestingly enough it's not even a comic on this post. Never change Sunday Comics.
SNL tonight in general was solid show. I love the dark turn of that Totinno pizza roll commercial with Vanessa Bayer.
I don’t read the webcomic roundup for the comics; I read it for the unintentional comedy in the comments.
“Schooled your ass”
YEAH DAWG. Straight up pwned my punk bitch self, right? Fawkin rekt, son!
When it comes to the things that need to be handled right now, Hillary is the same as a Republican, in that neither of them is going to do a thing about them. Try and spin it whichever direction you please, but she has no…
Ah yes, Climate Change. The thing that Bernie has called the number one threat to the U.S. LGBT people, who Bernie supported back when Hillary was against gay marriage because it was politically popular, people on the ACA with pre-existing conditions who would be covered under Bernie’s plan . . . you see where I’m…
Who do you think let the ghosts out of Hel?
“This is me, Candy Carson, and some chick I used to work with”
The theme song for Jeb’s campaign is Sad Trombone.
Yeah but the I remembered Cape Fear, True Grit, War of the Worlds, Carpenter’s The Thing, Ocean’s 11, Scarface, 12 Monkeys, The Departed, 3:10 to Yuma, The Fly, Let Me In, The Thomas Crowne Affair, The Italian Job, Dawn of the Dead. All of which were great ideas and unqualified successes.
I love being told that the reason I’m supporting a candidate is because I’m just a youth chasing after what’s cool. Solid way to engage people who disagree with you.