The oldest form of currency lol.
The oldest form of currency lol.
No. I require that my partners have access to enough fridge storage for at least two onions.
This article reminded me of something that has taken me a while to master correctly and I know that a lot of people have issues preparing. I am thinking you should try to make a custard ice cream base for the next installment of Will It Sous Vide. I think that sous vide custard base will eliminate the issue of…
Every so often, the world produces a person willing to rise above the rest and take on the burdens of other men. I am that person. *wipes tear from eye, overcome by my own selflessness*
Update: Went to the club, drank one whisky, celebrated friends birthday, met some great new people. Cute guy was there. We had a drink and talked. Casual, nice, comfortable. Gave him a hug goodbye. Lunch date coming up. This is HUGE progress for me!
A friend and I have a theory that areas where everyone is forced to be inside in close quarters for half the year or so because of snow tend to develop cultures that are a bit more quiet and reticent because you can’t be all up in people’s faces when you need to be locked indoors with them so much, whereas southern…
Hey all! Last SNS I posted my weird, preggo, thrown-together Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum costume (…) I’d always heard before labor starts you get a burst of energy. My mom painted a bedroom, a coworker planted a garden. Apparently bad cosplay was how I spent my burst of energy because I…
Hey Jezzies,
How many people wish they were in a locale with weirder more progressive people? (or are those just going extinct in this country) Maybe it’s just a mood, yet the latest regressive wave in the usa can be a little :(.
Then again, there us always ice cream & puppies. :)
Husband is six months clean of heroin, which is great. He’s being treated with suboxone, which is not great. He has to go in every morning to get his dose and sometimes talk to the social worker first. When he starts to go through PTSD symptoms he gets frustrated and ends up missing doses and/or going though…
I accept this challenge and will binge on this game for days to find this secret.
Aaaaarggh! Stop it! I have enough games and other things taking up my time! Stop making me want to get this game and lose even more of my free time!
And a history of piggybacking on whichever of Bernie’s policies appear popular. She didn’t even pretend to give a flying fuck about financial reform until recently.
It’s shit like this that keeps me from re-registering as a Democrat. I vote for Democrats (Elizabeth Warren!!) and contribute to individual candidates with (D) next to their names, but I remain “unenrolled” and refuse to give one penny to the DCCC or the DSCC.
I really, truly hope Warren skewers the shit out of DWS for this, but she literally can’t say anything without it being seen as inadvertently criticizing Hillary and she’s been so careful (too careful, honestly) to poke that bear.
Every day that passes with a Democratic Party led by someone eager to side with vampire scum like the payday lenders is another day the Democratic Party reveals itself to be largely full of shit. In an election year where Democrats are warning voters that handing Republicans even more power will be bad for ordinary…
I’m sure Clinton has at least two firm opinions on it.
Payday loans are the worst. If having the states regulate them separately was sufficient, they would no longer be a problem. Ergo, they need regulation at the FEDERAL LEVEL. How is this woman the Chair of the DNC?
Same reason #BLM stopped getting coverage. Same reason “no new taxes” is the Democratic flavor of the day.
Here’s a preview of Hillary. Hope you like it.
Considering Wasserman has tried every dirty trick this primary season short of hiring newsboys to draw Hitler mustaches on every front page picture of Bernie, I am not surprised she’ll back anyone who gives her money that’s green.