
And the students whose parents are controlling bastards.

That’s right. Just give up on all your dreams now. Let ‘em go early, before you get too attached to them. Let Hillary show you the path to peaceful subservience. Lol

What no on says about this “free college for Billionaires” comment is that Hillary’s system, by definition involved poor people having to prove they’re poor in order to get free college.

Yoiks. A 50% tax rate on earnings over $5 million isn’t only possible, we were doing it for decades and decades before Reagan. So I don’t understand that entire half of the conversation.

he was in the house for 16 years

Can you imagine how royally fucked a lot of social justice movements over the last century would have been if they’d been populated by a lot of the 'pragmatic' progressive you see on these threads?

Can we knock it the fuck off with the ‘Sander’s supporters are naïve and think he’s magic socialist Santa Claus who will enact his entire platform with a wave of his magic wand’ narrative? Seriously. Like, we fucking understand political reality. We know that a good portion of Sander’s platform is going to be

Okay, but when it comes to Bernie his whole point is that we need to revamp the system/replace congress (he does not think he is the lone savior, obviously).

So, the more lobbyists interfere in the process, the more politicians should seek them out and cater to them?

This. I have yet to see anyone reasonably explain how a congress that wouldn’t work with Sanders would somehow play ball with Hillary, who is the embodiment of the two things they hate most: Clintons and women. Congress giving Hillary Clinton an inch on anything? Talk about pie in the sky, magic wand waving and

It’s a really weird narrative considering that Bernie has a longer and better record of effective and bipartisan action in congress. Clinton’s probably better at making the executive branch dance, which is also really important, but this is kinda Bernie’s jam.

Their children aren’t!

They're going to attract bears!

I’m in favour of abolishing the draft entirely.

“Your love clipped into my heart”

I don’t think it’s too much for me, but I just don’t have the tools to help him. I think I should speak to a therapist to see how I should approach this.

Awww... this song played at my best friend’s funeral. He was what is now classified as bi-polar and his family couldn’t afford medication. One day he was alive and laughing, the next he had hung himself in his barn.

Lemme guess: additional debates will take place during the Super Bowl and The Academy Awards.

What would be nice is if everyone stopped hate-watching the Repugnant debates and started watching these instead.

Right? Who cares if the audition process is blind if every application is the same guy in a different hat.