
I’d say you’re correct. Republicans would come out in droves to vote against Clinton, but a lot of them either wouldn’t bother voting against Sanders or would vote for him to spite the horrible candidates they have.

Either way’s fine. That’s the beauty of being the party of personal responsibility; it’s always someone else’s fault.

Seriously though, I completely agree with you. I’ve got severe OCD, and the order and organization of math really helps to get my head straight.

I’m one of those tenacious fools working toward a degree in physics. I consider myself to be pretty intelligent, overall, and I am completely unashamed to admit I have cried and/or screamed in seething rage into a pillow on many occasions because of math. It does feel really satisfying when you figure it out, though.

Bingo. If I were to have a conversation right now with a ‘60s Republican, I would walk away having had a thoughtful conversation; I wouldn’t likely agree with that person on many things, but I would be able to respect (much of) their perspective. Today’s Republican party is centered around proposed policies that

How, exactly, is he unbelievable? He’s been injected with a retroviral form of a super-powerful alien warrior, overdosed with magic- and strength-inducing materia, and given the knowledge and muscle memory of one of the strongest, best trained humans in recent history. What you’re complaining about has a perfectly

Vagrant thespian?

You can’t go wrong with a group of space cowboys who aim to misbehaive.

but couldn’t they at least make it believable?

I agree. For fans of the classic FF-style gameplay, Bravely Default was excellent. I’m completely okay with SquareEnix experimenting with their flagship series if they keep making games like that on the side.

This is a world where people put magic crystals made of refined life energy into their weapons and armor in order to gain physically impossible powers, and you gripe about some guy’s relative musculature being unrealistic?

Pretty sure my descendants are from the former.

In 1988, I puked all over Ted Cruz’s textbooks. U JELLY?

Oh wow, somehow I guess I just imagined you saying you were on PC? Weird. I need to pay more attention, I suppose.

You just know there are going to be some cool armory mods so you can display all those weapons, though, like the mannequins and weapon displays in Skyrim. I haven’t sold a single piece of legendary equipment yet for that reason. I’ve already got the location picked out where I’m going to build it.

Ooh, I like that. I’ve just been using a -, but throwing a number in there for sets is a nice touch.

Or, you could rename the equipment when you store it. Make it back to Sanctuary/wherever, hit the crafting station, rename it with a - or some other character in the front; that put the stuff you like/use a lot at the top of your list. If you want to got the extra mile, put “- RL” on your right leg armors, “- LL” on

Definitely. Everything I like gets a “-” in front of it. Boom, problem solved.

There are a few of us. I watch partly out of respect for the grueling work involved in game making, and partly because the credits sometimes include extra entertaining bits. Sometimes a game has an epilogue of sorts interspersed throuhout, sometimes there are funny/heartfelt messages from the creators, and sometimes