
As much as I believe in journalistic ethics (and not in the stupid GamerGate way) and reporting the whole truth, I think we’re at a point where making these huge displays out of these terrorists needs to stop. I get that people have a right to know what’s going on, but there’s far too much evidence that plastering

Don’t demonize them though. Not even if you disagree with their message.

Definitely. I just sold a stack of about a thousand so I could finance some shops on my settlements. Now I just hang on to what I find to squeeze the last few caps out of each vendor I buy from/sell to.

It’s taken me a while to realize it, but a Hillary Clinton presidency would likely be an unmitigated disaster. Even if she did everything right, and even if she threw her full support behind unquestionably great policies, she draws pure seething hatred from a large portion of the country. From Benghazi, to the

“Hmm, so Americans are now slightly less overtly bigoted... Well, fuck France then.”

I was voting for Bernie anyway, but Killer Mike as VP would make me even more excited.

I’d say his most strategic choice might be someone with a history of foreign policy experience, but damn... Killer Mike is a tempting choice. On the one hand, a foreign policy VP would shore up a perceived weakness, but on the other hand, Mike’s a brilliant public speaker who really could help counter the

For your first point, Bernie got my vote the second he announced, but initially I was planning on voting for the Democrat regardless of who it was. Now, though, after Hillary keeps waffling and giving half-assed lip service to any type of policy that happens to be popular that moment, I will not vote for her. If she

Fightin Slayin to stay relevant.

Well yeah, Muslims love him! He’s going to get the Muslim vote, let me tell you.

Yeah, that’s why the US is the best country in the world for businesses.

Ah, see, you’re just looking in the wrong place. All the genocide comes from USPS and FCC.

New Vegas already did this joke.

Exactly. She’s the very embodiment of the archetypical slimy politician.

Sanders has used the term as a starting point to a conversation, but insists that that conversation not be dominated by semantics. He’s stated on several occasions that such labels serve to distract from the issues.

Clinton pretends to be progressive. She’s a corporatist conservative who occasionally pays lip service to progressive principles.

What other answer could there be, though? How would you propose any politician gain enough support for their policies besides inspiring enthusiasm? Sanders and his message aren’t the passing fads you seem to think they are. Almost everyone thought his campaign would have burned out by now, good ideas or not; This

It’s disgusting, isn’t it? The way so many people lap up whatever Clinton says, despite the fact that everything they’re cheering about was proposed both first and better by Sanders. Then those same people laugh at the Republicans for cheering on similar inane behavior from their candidates. Never mind the fact

I’m starting to lean that way myself. I only ever pre-order in the case of collector’s editions, and then only once every two years or so on average, but with these problems, it’s fraught with potential frustration. And like you said, it’s tempting to just wait for sales. Many AAA PC games wind up on Steam sales for