only available to filthy american dogs btw.
only available to filthy american dogs btw.
Dude, you came at me with some bullshit about studies into showing homosexual sex to be more icky than hetrosexual sex. SCIENCE PROVES. I'm entirely lost as to what you are trying to say at all in this point of all time. Although I do want to stop using the word icky.
No, it has nothing to do with just 'not wanting' to watch homosexual sex. You said homosexual sex was more 'icky' than hetrosexual sex. I think that's bullshit. The swapping of fluids and intercourse is icky no matter what the gender context is, well, that's even if you consider it ''icky''. Each to their own.
aw man someone made a rebecca black reference already. *loads gun*
i do not buy this dressed up homophobia in the guise of your studies. away with you.
i sure do love friday night lights the tv show. lets go east.
whats more icky about gay sex than hetrosexual sex?
what exactly is it about having a gay relationship in a video game that makes you uncomfortable?
i kind of wanted vice city, or a whole new place. but i'll take anything at this point - i just want a new gta.
yeah i remember when i was called a troll for saying i liked dante's new look. funny shit.
yeah i already have an SFIV pad. i want this one though. they are different. tagging in and out on the sf pads is really hard.
its a point of interest to people invested in the gaming culture, pirates or not
No chance of a european release?
It's not $160, its $39.99
@Some_Guy2: You know, some of, actual fan of the franchises happen to enjoy these game releases.
Can we assume a similar window for us poor Europeans then?
@Mikeh12: Its easier to dismiss The Sun as gutter press though. Daily Mail is overt, disgusting ignorance that actually gets taken seriously.
@Skunky: Ha, excellent stuff.
This is fucking hilarious. Daily Mail are probably the scummiest news paper that exists in the UK. Seriously, please kick up a fuss about this. I fucking HATE the Daily Mail.