Cash strapped? Since when have Tottenham been cash strapped? Anyways all I've wanted from Spurs for ages now is a trophy. I'd give anything for the Europa league.
Cash strapped? Since when have Tottenham been cash strapped? Anyways all I've wanted from Spurs for ages now is a trophy. I'd give anything for the Europa league.
I can't actually believe I'm saying this as a Tottenham fan but why aren't we here
I feel a deep sense of shame I even came back to point this out. What is my life.
It’s also hilarious because she tries to act as if she came across this miraculous scoop by herself. Not that she actually just stole it from somebody on twitter. #Journalism2015
Sounds like you don’t know enough about basketball in general.
I’d rather give my money to someone who’s music I’ve been buying for years than the faceless execs of Spotify and Apple Music.
Holy condescending hell. This is how I feel every time you write something on Hip-Hop and RNB.
Skip has always been reasonable about social issues as far as I can remember. I mean, his sport takes are horrendous, but his moral compass is functioning properly.
The pretty blindingly obvious answer to this question here is the quality of foreign soccer leagues is better than your domestic one. I mean Jesus Christ, am I to be labelled pretentious because I’d prefer to watch the NBA over the BBL (British Basketball League)? Because that’s how ridiculous the comparison you are…
Oh good, I see the white media still has a brazen fascination with Chris Brown.
oh okay, yeah that makes sense
It's not comparable at all, Reggie Jackson played out of his mind that night and they do have a good squad like somebody else pointed out. The Knicks have probably the worst roster in the NBA.
hes a well known basketball Twitter fraud. Around 3/4's of his followers are fake.
Haha of course Jenny Johnson is the first person on this list, she's such a prick.
I have listened to Scott briefly before and enjoyed some of his stuff, but never really caught onto him the way some people did. I'm kind of shocked by this article and the comments though, I feel like I have been missing something major. The only rapper I found before to be really horribly derivative of others sound…
eye don't get it. does deadspin have beef with sixers or smthn
Really loved watching this, although fancy living in Liverpool and not remembering who Tommy Lawrence was!
No mention of Patriots great D's? Those 12 division titles belong to him and him alone huh?
Just one reason that I'm in favour of video reviews in football. No, I'm not American but I do watch American sports and I fail to see how adding video reviews would be anything but beneficial.