henri bemis


When it comes to the kind of open-world RPGs that BW makes, I prefer customization over a single character game. Customization is what I want from an RPG. That said, it would be nice if they didn't market those games as though male characters were always the default leads.

I looked him up, and holy shit HE WAS ON BUFFY. In arguably the stupidest episode ever ("Him"), but that ain't his fault.

Ha, now I'm going to have nightmares about a Ghostbusters remake with the SATC cast. THAT would be truly horrible. But I can't WAIT to see this cast!

Yes, I love that about the Inquisition advisors! I've thought many times while playing how totally awesome it is that with my character, Leliana, Josephine, and Cassandra (who isn't an advisor, technically, but her role is bigger than the other party members), the Inquisition is led by an almost all-woman team.

Nooooo, I loved goody bags! I don't have kids, but when I was one (early 90s), they were just a few fun-sized candy things and maybe a silly toy, like one of those monster finger puppets. Cheap and easy, and CANDY. Has my generation ruined goody bags?

Yeah, corking fees make sense to me, at least at the BYOB places I've been. It's usually reasonable ($2/person), and the server does do some work opening bottles & clearing them, providing glasses, or ice buckets for drinks that need to be chilled. That's fair.

It works the other way, too - if someone breaks into your house and gets YOUR gun, they can't use it to shoot you.

I literally did this the other day - double-tipped because of miscommunication between Mr. and I - on a relatively small order (a single sandwich, that between the two of us, got a 60% tip) so it wasn't going to bankrupt us or anything. Us, afterward? Well damn, this is an expensive sandwich! Hope the delivery guy

Seriously, you do not stiff delivery drivers. They are not only patron saints of cold, lazy and/or drunk people, they're usually using their own cars, and stiffing them costs them in gas and maintenance. It makes you a shitty person.

So there's lots of love-making and cuddling, but don't you dare get sleepy, woman!

Pshhhh. In my day, my troop had to receive, unload, and sort ALL the cookies for all the troops in our council. Lazy-ass girl scouts nowadays, selling cookies online. smh, harrumph, kids these days.

Seriously. Did I not only just side with PETA, but also think their response was hilarious and perfect? Only Sarah Palin.

I still haven't seen Frozen, but I have the "fuck it all" and Game of Thrones parodies of that song stuck in my head CONSTANTLY. And I don't really mind.

The first time I went (at 27. yeah), I had a huge panic attack and was an hour late for my appointment. My hands were shaking so hard I could barely fill out the forms. When she got into the exam room, I blurted out something like "I'm so sorry I'm late, but I'm terrified of you!" She laughed, and said she hoped

Haha, thanks! Honestly, I wanted to do Cabaret, but I was out-numbered :(.

This is the least problematic thing about this, but I hate it when people sign their names on posts when their name is already clearly attached to them. They're almost as bad as people who quote themselves, and end it with "-me."

In high school, I worked at a very not-so-friendly chain restaurant, where I'd regularly work 9 hours without a break (I was young and shy, and just kept waiting for a manager to say "henri, it's time for your break!" I know better now).

I'm trying really hard to conjure sympathy, but I just cant. Some humanity and respect could have saved Leelah's life, and her parents denied her both.