henri bemis

Seriously, that top is something I'd pull out of my 9-yo sister's dress-up clothes. And it's the top I'd choose to wear, because FUCK YOU, I'M PLAYING DRESS-UP AND I AM AWESOME!

Computers? No, that won't do. We have mobile electronic communication devices. I have it on authority from a source at the source.

French fries? So passe. We call them fried potatoes in the biz.

(we call them invoices in the biz)

That's exactly where I get hiccups - I have a lot of student loan debt, and I signed up for it when I was 18 (with my parents as co-signers), but 18-year olds are, in the main, fucking stupid. I didn't truly understand how private loans work, and pretty much just trusted my parents to make those financial decisions

I don't actually know, but I wouldn't be surprised if the calls were strategically designed to upset his family so much that they'd pay just to make the phone calls go away.

It is SO MUCH FUN when people accuse feminists of "looking for things to be mad about." You poor, delicate flower.

I can't really make out the last lines to "Doom to the world", but it sounds like "Doom to the world, the time has come, for god to plug this shit!"

Well, obviously, you've never heard of 'laughter as a defense mechanism' before, so it must be explained several times, even though that is totally the exact opposite of the point you were making with your OP. *eyeroll*

Always look on the brighter side of things that get stuck in butts! (you win, I am laughing too hard to even). Bravo, and smooth bowel movements for all!

Yup, just like everyone with a beer bottle in their rectum just accidentally fell off a ladder.

I almost finished the thought "but then wouldn't the rapist have to face charges as well?" before barfing a little in my mouth, because of course not. He'd have been 'seduced', or she pressured him into oral/anal sex because she didn't want to get pregnant, so it's really not his fault. fuck everything today.

Wait wait wait, you mean 'abortion' isn't a style of pedicure? I thought that's what the stirrups were for. Color me embarrassed!

Yes; anyone that might be affected by their bigotry through their votes, jury decisions, and general political commentary (look at us! citizens of the world, hashing it out!); Yes, and please define "no consequences for anyone else" when someone acts on racist thoughts; You don't need to oppress a particular person

Racism is not only about oppression. It commonly is, but not inherently. You can be racist without oppressing anyone.

You know, I'd been giving you some benefit of the doubt, but then you went on about how dictionaries are needed for referencing words in isolation, like that was supposed to win an argument or something.

I've never, ever argued that racism affects all people equally. Anyone that would is self-evidently absurdly misguided. The dictionary is nota be-all, end-all solution for discussing a topic. Dictionaries define what a word means.

sarchasm? Sarchasm? SARCHASM! Ahh, sargasm.

You really need me to explain why it's been faster for the definition of the word "literally" to adapt than it has been for the word "racism"?

Because 'racism against white people' in the US doesn't fucking exist, and every time someone says "but the dictionary says..." they're either ignorant or intentionally trying to obscure the larger problem of real institutional racism in the US by feigning ignorance.