Oh, he's great! his blog is here, and he writes about a lot more than Left Behind - that's just how I found the site.
Oh, he's great! his blog is here, and he writes about a lot more than Left Behind - that's just how I found the site.
The differences between institutional racism and 'dictionary racism', and the reasons that the latter is irrelevant, have already been explained in this thread. Related reading.
Haha! I'm not Christian (but I was an English major!), but it wasn't too long after I bought the first movie ($1 at a yard sale - I didn't know that it was religious and SO BAD at the time - I thought it was just an action/apocalypse movie) that I found Fred Clark's blog posts on the series, which I binge-read the…
I actually wondered about that shortly after posting, because I just assumed he'd be taking Cameron's character with that bit about him having been ousted as the lead, and hoped no one would notice. But then I realized it will be infinitely funnier to have Cage playing Steele, who also becomes a good Christian though…
I haven't even seen the movie yet, but my little sister will assuredly make me at some point in the near future. SHE CANNOT STOP SINGING LET IT GO.
I wish I could star this a million times. Her apology, especially in light of the Duck Dynasty bullshit, illustrates pretty perfectly why I get incredibly pissed off any time someone tries to convince me that progressives, as a whole, are 'just as bad'. Fucking hypocrites.
His character eventually becomes a good Christian, through things like watching an old preacher on VHS and eating cookies instead of boning his new BFF's daughter, even though he RLY wants to, and he's, like, super sexy and famous, so he totally could.
I own a real-life copy of the first movie on DVD. I bought it for a dollar at a yard sale or something, years ago, because I love apocalypse things, and didn't know it was BATSHIT. "End of the world? $1? Sold!" was my entire thought process.
Congrats! Sunrise engagement sounds beautiful. Squee!
As a white woman who has had lots of discussions about race and feminism with friends who are also POC, I don't fucking need them to tell me that I'm 'one of the good ones.' What I personally am (aside from being a friend and not making shit all about me all the time) is irrelevant to discussions of how their lives…
I know at least a few women who are big whores AND have acne or PCOS! I suppose that law would require them to provide proof (a notarized documentation of the times and dates of their pill-taking and sexual activity sounds reasonable, right?) that they'd stopped taking their medication long enough prior to sexual…
Didn't you know? Because atheists don't have religious beliefs, we get to be infringed upon by everyone else's until something finally sticks! How else are we supposed to learn morals?
Have you tried stainless steel yet? I can't confirm that it works because... well, because I just haven't cared enough about my stinky garlic hands yet, but it sounds promising.
Hahah! The scorpion was less scary once I got used to it (though our introduction was Mr. B saying "OMG THERE'S A SCORPION IN THE KITCHEN! lol, he's a pet and in a tank, see?" I was halfway to a gas can at that point, because obviously, we had to burn the house down).
That's awesome. I would love to have snakes (and I think our landlord would allow it - our cat is another question), but Mr. Bemis is scared of them. I think they're lovely. I would never bring any pet into a home where it wasn't welcome and safe, but he got a pet scorpion once without telling me (AHHHrachnids! …
This drives me fucking crazy, because my dad is a boy scout leader, super republican, and an atheist, but is apparently incapable of recognizing hypocrisy.
You make him a drink, but take a big gulp before giving it to him. You gotta make sure it tastes good, right?
Dammit, I've always avoided oysters (and other bivalves) because I'm not sure I could deal with the texture, but now I might have to ride the snot-rocket because you make them sound goddamn delicious. And I do love briny things.
I haven't seen it, so I'm just relating second-hand what my 9yo sister gushed about during christmas - she LOVED IT and told me all about it, including a cappella versions of 'Let it Go' (until she got the soundtrack as a gift, and then oh boy, full karaoke) and I know that Elsa is the main character, and she has a…
I want pharmacists to keep their judgement to themselves, too (you said church, but really, I'd rather they just keep it to themselves). Emergency contraception should be as 'no big deal' as buying aspirin, but it isn't, and there are many people in healthcare/healthcare-related fields that knowingly provide…