henri bemis

She'd have stood a better chance if the adults at her school and in the justice system had taken her seriously, not written her off as a liar who 'didn't stand a chance in the first place.'

Definitely one of my favorite scenes in anything, ever. Joe Morton for ALL OF THE EMMYS. I love him in Eureka, but he is fucking BRILLIANT in Scandal. Fucking. Brilliant.

It would be hard for his young'n days, but there's GOT to be a good young actor who could pull off frogstomp-era, and then with makeup and such, Monahgan could come in toward the end of the biopic?

Actually, I could see Dominic Monahgan pulling off Daniel Johns. I want this to happen. Right now.

I am literally and thoroughly disappointed that there isn't actually a silverchair movie. Though it's my fault for not reading the post before the comments, fuck narnia.

Seriously. I was hate-listening to talk radio today and a woman called in to complain about her horrible, terrible, no good experience with 'Obamacare' because she was trying to find health insurance two months ago but kept getting rejected because of a pre-existing condition.

not alone. I try to time tampon changes (or at least tampon access) and poos for exactly that reason, because the tampon always starts peeking out.

I don't know if it's a central LI thing or just a 'my family' thing, but virtually all of my immediate relatives and most of the people I grew up with are the least adventurous eaters I've EVER MET. There weren't a whole lot of non-chain restaurants around where I grew up, but they take picky "I only want to eat what


I've got a bandolier of Cholula, and YOU WILL NOT STOP ME. Just point me in the direction of tacos.

I know this comment is ancient, but what the hell?

Yeah, it's quite likely her partner told her and she was all "yay! I love herpes! Lets have unprotected sex!"

"Boo-hoo, Your Honor, no one likes me now, and, also, I stubbed my toe this morning, isn't that punishment enough?"

I have no idea why this is so impossible for some people in this thread to understand. I play a lot of online games, and I've never had a problem with general swearing and trash-talking, but harassment? Totally not the same. There's a world of difference between "AHHHHH, you FUCKER! You stole my kill! Nice shot,

Yup. I really don't get all the Skylar hate - she's a terrible person and a terribly compelling character, just like Walt. Their relationship makes all the sense (and she's gotten death threats? fucking hell). Her transition from SAHM to drug money launderer wasn't as smooth as 'Walt to Heisenberg', but I still

I absolutely love her screaming and throwing the glass. Ainsley!

It always seems dorky, but I've got my Gold award and hell yeah Girl Scouts.

Hell yeah.

That might be my favorite line of anything, ever.

I somewhat recently (within the last few years, but I've been driving for a over a decade, and I've got a few long trips under my belt) developed a phobia of driving, and it's so fucking hard to explain it to people in a way they'll understand, especially since it wasn't triggered by an accident or something