henri bemis

She's really just boring. I tried to watch her stand-up, and it was my impression that she thinks the same old, tired, regurgitated racist jokes are funny.

I don't play a lot of original Xbox games anymore, but if they want me to buy the next gen Xbox on or near its release, a lack of compatibility will be a major factor in my decision as to whether or not to hold out until the price drops. If my 360 is working just fine, and the next console won't even play the games

Not surprised there are almost 700 replies. I'm guessing at least half are stories from indignant assholes who think it's their god-given american right to not tip well (or tip at all). Politics, religion, and tippping are things one apparently should not discuss in polite company. whatever.

Yes, I would prefer not to socialize with anyone who loses interest in friendship with me once it's clear they're not going to get into my pants. The men I am friends with, including those I've had potential romances with, those who were already committed to someone else, and those who just weren't sexually

Yes yes yes. I don't fucking 'friend zone' guys, I either make a new friend or find that someone I thought was cool actually has no interest in any kind of relationship with me that doesn't involve access to my sexy bits. The latter are the kind who whine about friend zones, and I'm happy to not have them in my

Haha, to be fair to her, it was a small writing program and most of us had had classes together before, so we were a close-ish group. If I hadn't known her, I might have been pissed that someone said that to me. But still not teary!

Kind of off-topic, but you just triggered the hell out of my college nostalgia :). Our submissions weren't blind, but the critiques could get brutal, and once got I past the initial fear, workshops were easily my favorite classes. A classmate opened one of my critiques with "Henri, I fucking hate this poem!" After

Yeah, I get bad depression apartment, and I usually end up using it against myself, as evidence that I really am horrible/useless/stupid/etc. It kind of helps to look at it differently, and to know I'm not the only one it happens to. I hope your new living situation is good for you.

I think so. Do people have sensitivities to food, or mild uncomfortable reactions? yes. But someone struggling with food insecurity isn't going to say "oh dear, this conflicts with my oat sensitivity!" For fuck's sake.

I'm terribly sorry that you find my PJs unsightly, but as long as I'm not kicking your seat or drooling on your shoulder, I don't see how it matters.

I got mad at Chuck when nbc stopped posting new episodes to hulu. I loved it, I really want to watch the rest of it, and I think they're missing out by not at least making earlier seasons available via netflix or hulu. I'd re-watch them again in a heartbeat, and probably get my husband hooked, too.

Because not being naked in public and not having access to abortion have similar consequences. Yeah. Totally the same.

Dora's post made no assumptions about gender, so I don't see how this is relevant, unless you want to go all devil's advocate and argue that no one should show any skin ever.

I'm not really sure exactly what something like this would entail, but I do have time and some (really really basic) experience with things sort of like this. I don't like giving out personal info on the interweb, but I'm ayeohyou at gmail dot com if you want to talk more.

I really like this idea, and would love to help out. I live in MA, within spitting distance of PP, and though I've never been there, I've also never seen protesters outside so I doubt any patients would face harassment.

Well, as long as we're using anecdata.

So, lots of these responses basically boil down to "we shouldn't discuss the way women are drawn in comics BECAUSE BONERS!"

Ahh, these old chestnuts.

What in the ever-loving fuck is 'righteous shame'? I've felt righteous, and I've felt shame, but never at the same time. Am I missing out on something? Are there people who run around saying "FUCK YEAH, I'M SO ASHAMED!"

I'd like to think I wouldn't kill someone else to save my own life, but I've never been in that position, let alone being put in that position after months or years of rape and torture. I have NO IDEA what impact that would have on my mind and moral judgement, and I hope I never find out. No one should. But I don't