henri bemis

911 operators aren't the cops, but they do have some training and authority, and it IS part of their job to direct callers on the best actions to take until police arrive on the scene, for the callers' safety, and the safety of those responding. He ignored the operator's instructions, intentionally escalated the

Apparently it never occurred to her that women who "aren't women anymore" would rather be single than give up their slutty career-and-autonomy-havin' ways for some misogybarf who, like, rly rly needs a pot roast to complain about to his buddies.

I don't want to pry (so feel free to say 'fuck off'), but it would be interesting to know how you think your father's family would feel about your mother choosing to spend Father's Day with her father instead of your dad, or excluding him from other family events. Because I think BarbaraDiva, and others like her,

yes! I could see "Maternal Instincts" up there, too. That episode was probably some of the darkest shit I ever saw on TV, and it was XENA, of all things. I'd been watching on Netflix, so I'm not sure how it played out in real TV time, but the minute it took to start the next episode was the longest of my life.

Yeah, because everyone in Louisiana chose to be born and educated there out of concern for the rest of the country and our lack of ditch-diggers. They could never be anything else. It's definitely in our country's best interest to coddle anti-science idiots because where else will we find manual labor?!

I really do respect that you don't want your religion to be overwhelmingly viewed as anti-science, because I know as well as you do that not all Christians are anti-science. Probably not even the majority of them are. But the most vocal? The ones with the greatest influence on policy in the US? They're fucking

We'd be so fucked. Shepard had a hard enough time convincing the council that the reapers were a threat - we can't even get half our politicians to admit that evolution is a real thing.

His top is made out of bow-ties! His bottom is made out of cake!

Scientific intelligence and hubris and/or a difficultly in relating to others emotionally often go hand-in-hand in sci-fi, but neither of those things are inherently 'evil.' For every William Bell, there's a Sam Carter, or a Spock, or a Doctor.

I know everyone probably has at least one example of 'OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY LEFT IT OUT!", but seriously... no Dancer in the Dark? Selma's execution, and everything leading up to it is so tragic, unjust, and hopeless. It's like spending two hours watching someone kick a puppy to death for the crime of loving too

No, just... no. People who identify as 'pro-life' but also support birth control, emergency contraception, and early-term abortion are not the leaders of the movement, are not speaking up to influence policy, and you're letting your beliefs get co-opted by a bunch of misogynist jackasses. So you're not getting any

I don't know, I get my uterus scraped out once a month just for funsies.

I'll try to dial down a bit, too, as we both essentially have the same goal. You're right, I'm not a dude. I'm a woman in my late 20s, and a feminist.

Need a tissue? This is obviously causing you much stress. There, there. It must be so difficult, acknowledging that other people exist and have different experiences than you.

Funny how when it comes to women it's ALWAYS "just not the story they wanted to tell." And by 'funny,' I mean 'fucking pathetic.'

Missing the points.

Trolls gonna troll.

Yeah, no. If you actually give a shit about sex workers, YOU FUCKING LISTEN TO SEX WORKERS. I guarantee they're not basking in your condescending benevolence. They're all just abuse victims too stupid to know where their clits are, right?

And now I've got that song stuck in my head. Damn you! Damn you, I say!

I loved Garth in this episode. If I ever make a bucket list, "Get a hug from DJ Qualls" is totally on it.