Cayde-6's Unloaded Dice

Musk is like Steve Jobs. Jobs was no more “visionary” than the average person who got frustrated at having to take off the headphones to their mp3 player when they got a call on their cell phone.

I am an engineer with more than 3 years experience, but maybe they will accept being very good at making booze in lieu of a Masters’ degree?

I guess DT took the plunge...

TBH, kinda disappointed to learn that Angie Harmon lives in North Carolina

To be fair, ALL RV brands are crap, and it’s not because of serial entrepreneurs.

Yeah, because that's pretty much the only people who can afford them

Dude, there’s a reason that Foundation hasn’t been filmed, and it’s the same reason that the “show that borrows and few concepts and character names” is that way:

Foundation (the novel) is boring as shit. Note that I’m not to claim that it is a bad book, but almost every scene is small groups of men sitting around and

REALLY wonder what it's like as a passenger 

Not at all.  

There have been so many of these "stupid automobile financial decisions from social media" posts recently I'm starting to wonder if they are now an Herb-mandated quota like Kotaku's 50-guides-a-week

Hell, I'm fairly certain there are more coal plants with hyperbolic cooling towers than nuclear plants

My boss recently got a RAV4 Prime. Using his wall outlet charger at home and in the office, he’s had it for over 1,000 miles and still hasn’t filled up the tank.

I don’t think your calculation factors in lower recurring maintenance costs

I know that you’re joking, but if you are trying to escape or evade pursuers, the LAST thing you would want to do is tell them which direction you turning.

As raw material prices go up, recycling will become economically feasible.

Or, governments should fulfill one of their purposes of existence and use legislation to tip the scales of the “free market”.  

environmental/econonic/social impact of rolling blackouts due to insufficient power to charge vehicles

These numbers also fail to include emissions released during either ICE car or EV shipping, production, and manufacturing, so real-world impact varies based on a variety of factors.

Lexus’ Structural Blue was that formulated to mimic how Morpho butterfly wings refract light.

Of course, it might not count for this list because it was only sold in Europe

But does it come with an engine immobilizer?

You forgot to add subsidizing their own companies