Hemmerling for Mitchell

+1 Organ Sack

I have a keyboard bruise on my forehead to prove I bowed down to this.

enjoy your stars


You were at 68 stars. You’re welcome.

This is true. I just got back from Paris, where even the Paris St. Germain football/soccer team has a partnership with the Jordan brand and the Air Jordan logo is all over their kits and merchandise:

Nice knowing ya.

I agree, and would add not to forget the “Crying Jordan” meme.. I think that might elevate his status amongst the “youngs”. Pretty much anyone living who was born before 1990 are probably cognizant of Michael Jordan and seeing the time the meme hit that’s probably pulled in people except for those born in the past ten

Take your damn star, you earned it. 

Goddamnit man, I forgot we traded this guy away.

Okay. You have redeemed yourself.

if t-shirt guy started it, then they’re within their rights to take a souvenir to commemorate the event. 

It added a nice touch to what I thought was going to be just a run of the mill NFL fans fighting video.

I’m from Indiana, so I’ll take it!

Hey, we get in a dig at Indiana and some reinforcement that there are indeed Good Guys (who) Wear Black on the team. Win-win!

Maybe a scoff? Toxic optimism sounds like a oxymoron (scoffing laugh) but given that much of the fan base has shielded its eyes from the fact that the team is a shell of its former self and it rots their rationality to discern patterns of weakness, it makes sense (applaud). Rodgers running the table into the playoffs

I prefer 2013 to 2014, but 2014 is close, and both are probably in my top 3 or 4 beers (I’d say ‘13 is #1). The issue with 2014 is that there was a lot of variation in what you tasted out of the bottle, so while my first couple were coconut bombs (more coconut-forward than 2013), I’ve also had a bottle or two that was