Hemmerling for Mitchell

This guy gets it.

Dying laughing +1

The mama pajama rolled out of bed
And she ran to the police station
When the papa found out he began to shout
And he’s now cheered by Cubbie Nation.

For far too long, we’ve coddled this country’s toddlers by leaving them unhurled. It’s a clear and unequivocal part of the wussification of America.

How much you wanna make a bet I can’t throw that toddler over them mountains?

Yes. Precisely.

Wow. You made a great interview even better. 

Jesus if you want to fact check something how about Drew claiming to be on a treadmill?

Yeah, probably leftovers from last year. I haven’t noticed much talk about “openers” this season.  Last year you couldn’t get anyone to shut up about it, though. 

>>This is why I enjoy being a White Sox fan<<

Those guys were Cubs fans who were at Wrigley all day. Yes my username checks out.

That guy (William Light) is a Cubs fan. 

Go Cubbies.

The idea that Cubs fans aren’t racist fucks is a joke. The “Horry Kow” t-shirts that were happily bought up by idiot fans? Milton Bradley’s tales of being harnessed in the outfield (to be fair, it was Milton Bradley)? The t-shirts that were popular showing Albert Pujols mowing the lawn (bonus for the same shirt but

I’m a Cubs fan and I agree with this take. They’ve priced hardcore fans out and turned the surrounding neighborhood into some ball mall hell-topia filled with even more hideous bro bars (which on non-game days the bars are mostly deserted or even closed).

I get my baseball fix at Comiskey or out in Rosemont to see The

Wrigleyville has the narrowest goddamned sidewalks! I hate it! You pretty much HAVE to walk in the street to get around Clark Street on a busy day/night.

That Taco Bell was really special though. Not necessarily in a good way, but not necessarily in a bad way either. It was like stepping foot into a trainwreck, and watching conductors pull levers, not really giving a shit. All while passengers throw up.

White Sox fan here, can confirm. I go to the Cell/Comiskey (I’m not calling it Guaranteed Rate, fucking sorry) when I want to see baseball, and when I want to laugh at the utter chaos of humanity, I go hang out on Clark near Wrigley and watch the area crowds slowly melt into puddles of alcohol and vomit. It’s glorious

I think it’s great when a father finds time to spend with his son.  You hate America.

Even as a Cubs fan I agree about White Sox games. It’s a much more pleasant place to catch a game, not to mention cheaper. And I can take the Red Line there, too.