
That’s an interesting vision... We shall see how it all unfolds.

Ralphie did go into tech working for Stark Industries and then helped a supervillain wannabe try to both steal weapons tech and kill Spider-Man, so yeah, he did become a real douchebag.

Nobody is pointing out that the other 7 are little bitches who were conned by Gaetz into fulfilling his wet dream of humiliating Kevin McCarthy on the national stage.

Any God who can be diminished by a joke wasn’t much of a God to start with.

This, despite Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) spending Tuesday night meticulously breaking down his every frankly stunning misstep leading to his removal on Instagram Live.

“When someone mocks me like that, and mocks my religion, and honestly, the Bible is pretty clear about God being mocked, so that’s what sealed it right there for me.

The worst thing about this is that no matter how many times the GOP shoot themselves in the foot, the damn thing grows back like a lizard tail.  

Man, Ralphie has become a real douchebag since the Scut Farkas Affair apparently.”

‘Tis almost the season for drinking Ovaltine and writing an A+++++++++++++ theme.

McCarthy doesn’t have the courage for any of that. It’s doubtful any Republican does. The way supposedly reasonable conservatives have bent over for both Trump and, more importantly, the far-right nutjobs tells us all we need to know about their principles: they have none.

I blame our media. Burchett went about repeating that dumb shit and not a single anchor pushed back. He plunged the House into chaos on behalf of his sky daddy’s hurt fee fees and they are just nodding along like “yup, totally reasonable”. Nobody is pointing out that the other 7 are little bitches who were conned by

“I believe in all powerful being, the one and only true God, who made all that has ever been and ever will be, who created all of existence, who crafted Mankind in His own Glorious image, and who really can’t stand to be mocked by one tiny human on one tiny planet in one tiny corner of His universe, because: God

Imagine being outmaneuvered by Gaetz.  That’s a special hell unto itself. 

..and honestly, the Bible is pretty clear about God being mocked...

Imagine being upset your party isn’t supporting feminist causes enough, and as a consequence supporting a motion by Matt “Stat Rape” Gaetz. It’s the Bernie Bros voting for Trump: she doesn’t understand her own position.

You don't have to like Ukraine to want to prevent Russian expansion and Putin destabilizing a region to line his own pockets. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

Burchett told CNN that the Lord gave him the answer of whether to vote for or against McCarthy. So in his mind, if you question his decision, you’re really questioning God.

FYI, the pro-temp speaker is this jackass, Patrick McHenry who carried on a long tradition of immediately blaming the Democrats for apparently strong arming Republicans to kick Kev to the curb - or something. Who knows....its another one of those oh so infamous ‘look what you made us do’ moments the GOP loves to wheel

+1,000xp for proper use of Chaotic Evil.

Weenus is a troll who should be dismissed. Check their comment history.

Now we go back to Republicans looking like a bunch of feeble dweebs who can’t get it together enough to elect a speaker. We saw this song and dance on the front end.

But now we have a continuing resolution to bring it to an end. So the Dems will let Kev twist in the wind for a little bit, because why not,