
Nice thing is, if I’m right I’m a frickin’ genius in the Applied Kremlinology that is the House GOP Caucus.

Counter-prediction: Rep. Byron Donalds eventually gets the nod, for the same reasons he got a handful of spoiler votes back in January. He’s Black, MAGA-aligned, represents Florida, hasn’t made enemies in the caucus (mainly because he’s a House sophomore), has good media presence...and oh yes, he’s Black.

The power of foreshortening in the choice of camera lens and magnification.

I probably just wasn’t paying sufficient attention, but “Scuba Gooding Jr.” made me literally pause to laugh — out loud, even.

American slavery lasted for ten (10) generations. Only the last two (from say the late 1830s on) lived past Emancipation and were in a position to potentially make a living using whatever skills they may have learned while in bondage. I say “potentially” because Reconstruction was undermined, Jim Crow became the rule

Once Charles Gray did the Time Warp, his credibility as Blofeld took a jump to the left.

Before the Temporal War was Enterprise’s Temporal COLD War.

Eh, she fit right in with Agents “Dulmer” and “Lucsly” from DS9‘s “Trials and Tribble-ations.”

Speaking of the car chase...does no one remember how BAD Kirk was at driving a car in “A Piece of the Action?”

It wasn’t a bluff -- rather the alarms and guard response was simply not up to the task.

There should be a very strong habeas corpus filing if that were to happen, which I don’t think would go well for the prosecutors trying to make it stick.

Fair enough. It will happen, just not today (and given tenure, maybe not soon). But don’t let this specifically awful case lead to arguments against tenure in general. Without it, good academic work and reasoned opinions get stymied by political intervention and job security fears.

That was sarcasm. Ask Amber Heard.

Lodging, meals and gas for multiple days, plus the added medical costs of being seen by doctors who are presumably out-of-network.

Surprised Kentucky criminal prosecutors didn’t consider her previous miscarriage as probable cause for an indictment. That’s how low the bar is now.

That’s some white privilege happening.

Per the end of this very article, he’s been relieved of duty and is on leave. That is so NOT “fired” -- more like a killer cop being put on desk duty, with pay.

Or, to be totally cynical, “she’s better off with Tom” as a way to stay plausibly close to Matsson when the inevitable implosion happens: ATN loses money and credibility, Tom is scapegoated back to North Wisconsota or wherever, and Lukas needs someone — a known quantity, as it were — to pick up the pieces.

[Except for S4, Ep8.]

That’s a good catch, but I think we both want more.