
I’m sorry, but the “gotta tear down an ancient historical bridge to get my superyacht to sea” saga was entertaining.

No...and yet, breathalyzers that can prevent vehicle operation are soon to be required for all new vehicles.

Good call. Allows for Dame Helen Mirren to cameo as Queen Peach, mother of the new Princess that Mario -- yes, secretly her father -- must rescue.

It is a short, slippery slope from “recognizing” road rage to “emulating” road rage to “inciting” road rage. Stop giving SkyNet ideas!!

Between Mike Pence and Dan Quayle, Indiana has a lot to answer for.

3-D printed plastic from a downloaded kit.

Conservative gatherings (NRA, CPAC, RNC Conventions) are the safest of safe spaces, precisely because organizers KNOW their target audiences so well. And attendees accept this, proving they are capable of going several days without open-carrying.

Her “swagger” was suppressed by incessant Kree manipulation. Overcoming the catfishing was kinda the whole point of the movie.

Gill the 14th is still alive?!

And Dame Helen Mirren as Queen Peach.

By then she’d better be the Queen.

Tron the movie was synergistically released the same time as the Tron arcade game, and several movie scenes were there explicitly to hype the game (grid bugs, “shouldn’t have made so many tank games,” and so on).

It can be both, which runs to the core of Tom’s nature.

“...none of the things Logan says were worth the paper they’re printed on.”

The real star of “UHF”....

My thought/hope in the earlier episodes, based on the red color scheme and Jack’s hidden abilities, was the pah-wraiths. But unless Daystrom Station had an Orb in storage, it was never going to be them.

Speaking of the Shrike, we still don’t know where it was built or anything else except for its abundance of off-the-shelf weaponry and stolen portal generator. If it was Dominion technology or Borg technology, it would have been noticed. The design followed none of the established empires’ ship cues.

Speaking of Lower Deckers, even though it’s 20-some years later, there must still be dozens of California-class ships that simply weren’t invited to Frontier Day.

White Boot Fascism.

Florida’s constitution can be amended to assure DeSatan gets both of those things -- not having to resign to campaign for President, and the chance for additional terms. The legislature in Tallahassee has been demonstrably compliant to Meatball Ron’s wishes, time and again.