
They were clearly hoping to leverage their taxing and infrastructure authority to threaten Disney’s theme park operations, in hopes of extorting changes on the entertainment side. The fact said extortion would be blatantly illegal and unconstitutional was seen as a feature, not a bug.

OK, but then she should bring Din along; even just standing there with the Darksaber would help her recruiting drive.* Grogu’s on a safer planet, well-protected by the covert.

Fair point. Of course, another reason the covert was shooting blindly into the lake was maybe to deter another Giant Turtle visit.

Now playing

It was a few years prior to this car, but I cannot let a Geo article go without linking this classic commercial featuring a certain “Noted Futurist”....

Wasn’t she trying to do exactly that when she had the Darksaber? And wouldn’t this task be a lot easier if she borrowed it from Din?

The IRL Army needs a lot of space for field training, especially if live rounds are involved. Think of Fort Irwin in California — enough acreage for two full mechanized brigades to maneuver.

But the stories one could tell of being on this dangerous yacht...priceless.

If it’s a Russian crew, and “repatriation” means likely conscription to the Ukrainian front, I can’t imagine them complaining about time spent in Antigua on the government’s dime.

Sanctioned: The Jackening

What, no Hemi?

Beckett Mariner is significantly older than the other ensigns — she has seen thingsso there shouldn’t be an issue with Tawny Newsome as age-appropriate. Jack Quaid already is the right age for Boimler.

Like the Red Wedding, the Dragonpit is destined for Season Three, Zaslav willing.

We’ll know if there’s a future casting for “Young Nan.”

Roy and Shandy are going to become a thing. A rather distracting thing.

Trent Crimm remains a sports journalist in the notoriously racist/sexist/homophobic British media space. This will prove to be either a personal crisis, or more likely a professional crisis with a publisher looking for gossip in a “tell-all” book.

Both Wayne and Garth liked to make seemingly definitive statements, followed by a beat pause and “...NOT!”

Palm-slicing is such a universal trope it stopped bothering me years ago. It’s just old stagecraft.

Never mind, it’s been done already.

I know that, 20 years ago, Keanu was smart enough to take a percentage of the gross for the Matrix sequels, which made him rich enough to set his own work schedule for life. And if he chooses projects that help Alex Winter or Lana Wachowski over, say, joining the MCU, I’m not going to think less of him.

Allison’s world was sitcom before she met Kevin, such as when her mother confronted her after her father’s death.