
It’s the only way to be sure.

That is known as “projection.” They literally cannot fathom honest protests. All they ever get is astroturf campaigns, so they cynically conclude true grass roots protests don’t exist.

And if these particular drivers were still doing their JOBS rather than engaging in a ridiculous, hypocritical political stunt, we’d still be giving them all due credit. Just as we do all the rest of the truck drivers who aren’t...these people.

We’re only at the scene where the Russians reluctantly kicked the Americans off the Leonov, and we see them sulking on Discovery.

I work at an auto company named for its famous multi-generational founding family (like “Payne”), and every stupid thing the leadership team does on the show is a jarring reminder that these things could never happen IRL.

When I see California-class ships in Picard, that’s when the convergence will be complete. Workhorse utility ships with decades of useful service would take the class well into the 25th Century.

This discussion seriously needs Oolon Colluphid, who once caused God to disappear in a “puff of logic.”

To be fair, there is grit. Copious amounts of grit in the air, on the ground, in everyone’s clothes...just a lot of grit, really.

They may be IN Canada, but many of them are American. Otherwise how do you explain the presence of Confederate flags in OTTAWA?

We’ve decided to quasi-militarize the police forces for a reason


Change some names and put it in space, and you’re describing Foundation the Apple+ series vs. Asimov’s trilogy.

A few Harfoots — sorry, Harfeet — wandering around isn’t the same as knowing their homeland. If Sauron sees them at all, he’ll think they’re short, eccentric humans of no particular import.

Last time I had an apartment in SE Michigan I had a carport. Even that made a HUGE difference.

Cobb Vanth needs a hat, stat!

The Expanse alone made Prime Video worthwhile.

See a doctor if your Dongfeng runs for more than four hours.

Sorry dude, you’ll just have to keep wishing to magically de-age John Elway by 30-ish years.

Curious Yellow?

Oh, you can call him “Ray,” or you can call him “Jay,” or you can call him “Johnny”....